
AVENUE - ''…hope is the last to die'' CD (winter) 1000 sit/ 5 e (emocore)
- ''untune the sky'' CD (goodfellow) 1300 sit/6 e (metalcore)
ADHESIVE - ''we got the beat'' CD (ampersand) 1500 sit/ 7 e (punkrock)
AGATHOCLES - ''theatric symbolisation of life'' CD (cyber music) 1400
sit/ 7 e (grindcore)
- ''synthpathy'' CD (samuel) 1500 sit/ 7,5 e (emocore)
AMON - ''s/t'' MCD (or) 900 sit/ 4,5 e (emocore)
AVAIL - ''dixie'' CD (lookout) 1000 sit/ 5 e (punkrock/hc)
BODA - ''difficile de se perdre...'' CD (sanjam) 1200 sit/ 6 e (punkrock)
BORN DEAD ICONS - ''Ruins'' CD (feral ward) 1500 sit/ 7 e (punk/hardcore)
BRIDGEBURNER - ''what do you know...'' MCD (genet) 1000 sit/ 5 e (old
BROKEN PROMISES - ''s/t'' MCD (stick to the core) 1300 sit/ 6,5 e (metalcore)
BURIED ALIVE - ''the death of your perfect world'' CD (victory) 1500 sit/
7,5 e (new school)
CAST IRON HIKE - ''watch it burn'' CD (victory) 1000 sit/ 5 e (rockin
CAST IRON HIKE - ''s/t'' MCD (trustkill) 800 sit/ 4 e (rockin metalcore)
CAUSE FOR ALARM - ''s/t'' MCD (victory) 800 sit/ 4 e (old school)
CITA ATTIEKSME - ''katram no mums'' MCD (kablio muzika) 1100 sit/ 5,5
e(old school hc)
CIVIL DEFENSE - ''Enough!'' MCD (striving for togetherness) 1000 sit/
5 e (old school hc)
COLOSSUS OF THE FALL - ''s/t'' MCD (doghouse) 800 sit/ 4 e (emocore)
CONTROL, THE - ''the forgotten'' MCD (go kart) 500 sit/ 2 e (old school
CONVINCED - ''life is my enemy'' CD (genet) 1500 sit/ 7 e (heavymetal/hc)
COUNTERBLAST - ''impassivity'' CD (life on the edge) 1500 sit/ 7 e (pain-core)
COUNTERVAIL - ''in the event of...'' MCD (status) 900 sit/ 4 e (chaotic
CRIVITS - ''stare'' CD (lost & found) 1000 sit/ e (old school hc)
DANZIG - ''satans child'' CD (nuclear blast) 1400 sit/ 7 e (metal)
DAWNCORE - ''obedience is a slower form of death'' MCD (trottel) 1000
sit/ 5 e (metalcore
DEMPSEY - ''s/t'' MCD (indecision) 700 sit/ 3 e (new school hc)
DESPAIR - ''as we bleed'' MCD (initial) 1000 sit/ 5 e (new school hc)
DESPAIR - ''pattern life'' CD (trustkill) 1000 sit/ 5 e (new school hc)
DESPAIR - ''one thousand cries'' MCD (trustkill) 1000 sit/ 5 e (new school
DEADSTYLER - ''...sie ist sufs,...'' MCD (winter) 1200 sit/ 6 e (new school)
DENIED - ''fallen out of grace'' MCD (ohhc) 500 sit/ 2,5 e (new school)
DINA/ GRAMPUS EIGHT - split CD (kid) 1200 sit/ 6 e (emo/punk rock)
- ''flip the kill switch'' CD (overcome) 1500 sit/ 7 e (chaos metal)
- ''Embraced by misery'' CD (lifeforce) 1600 sit/ 8 e (melodic deathmetal)
FALL SILENT - ''superstructure'' CD (r.p.t.) 1300 sit/ 6 eur (metalcore)
earth policy) 2000 sit/ 10 e (metalcore) (CD je čisto novi!!!)
FINE DAY - ''january'' CD (spred) 1200 sit/ 6 e (emocore)
FOR THE LOVE OF - ''in consequence'' MCD (ferret) 1000 sit/ 5 e (metalcore)
FORCED INTO - ''profit not people'' MCD (bridge) 1000 sit/ 5 e (screamcore)
FOUNTAINHEAD - ''drain'' CD (doghouse) 800 sit/ 4 e (emocore)
FOUR WALLS FALLING - ''food for worms'' CD (day after) 1300 sit/ 6,5 e
FRAMEWORK - ''never again'' digi-CD (lifeforce) 1000 sit/ 5 e (emocore)
H2OIL - ''hayday to organic...'' MCD (molarie industries) 800 sit/ 4 e
HAERESIS - ''s/t'' MCD (d.i.y.) 1200 sit/ 5 e (metalcore)
HARD-ONS - ''too far gone'' CD (survival) 1300 sit/ 6,5 e (punkrock)
- ''triggered backwards'' MCD (goodlife) 800 sit/ e (emocore)
HUNTER-GATHERER/ RYDELL - split CD (scene police) 1200 sit/ 6 e (emocore)
INNER DAM - ''when angels fall'' CD (rpp) 1000 sit/ 5 e (metalcore)
JUNCTION - ''a collection of random...'' CD (art monk construction) 1000
sit/ 5 e (emocore)
KILL HOLIDAY/ DEMPSEY - split MCD (indecision) 800 sit/ 4 e (emocore)
MINNOW - ''the sound of urban folk'' CD (bloodred) 1200 sit/ 6 e (noisy
NEURAXIS - ''Truth beyond...'' CD (morbid) 1500 sit/ 9 e (deathmetal)
NEW BOMB TURKS - ''scared straight'' CD (epitaph) 1000 sit / 4 e (punk
NOTICE - ''one name for multipile diseases'' CD (accident prone) 1300
sit/ 6 e (emocore)
OBITUARY - ''cause of death'' CD (roadracer) 1500 sit/ 7 e (death metal)
PAINDRIVER - ''this has no end'' CD (s.o.a.) 1200 sit/ 6 e (fastcore)
PURE STEMS PACK - ''score is not even'' CD (gajba) 800 sit/ 4 e (NYHC)
SCALPING SCREEN - ''13 revolting strains'' CD (godschild) 1400 sit/ 7
e (metalcore)
SCHEMA - ''Sooner than you think'' CD (armed with anger) 1400 sit/ 7 e
STATIC X - ''machine'' CD (warner bros) 1300 sit/ 6,5 e (metal)
STRANGE CORNER - ''Schism'' CD (vacation house) 1400/ 7 e (nyhc/old school)
SUNRISE - ''still walking with the fire'' MCD (youth culture) 600 sit/
3 e (metalcore)
SUPPRESSION SWING, THE - ''just a ward'' MCD (new age) 700 sit/ 3 e (new
school hc)
TIME IN MALTA/ BREATHE IN - split CD (reflections) 1600 sit/ 8 e (emocore/old
UNISON - ''careless thoughts'' MCD (day after) 800 sit/ 4 e (emocore)
UP FRONT - ''movement'' CD (grapes of wrath) 1000 sit/ 5 e (old school)
UPHILL BATTLE - ''s/t'' CD (relapse) 2000 sit/ 10 e (grind/chaos/metalcore)
V/A YOUR SCENE SUCKS - compilation CD (go kart) 1000 sit/ 5 e (the control,
sick of it
all, most presious blood, kill your idols, downpour, ensign, wage of sin,...27
WHERE FEAR AND WEAPONS MEET - 'control' MCD (alveran) 1000 sit/ 5 eur
THAWN/ THE DAY'S REFRAIN - split pic - 7'' (muller...) 200 sit/ 1 e (emocore)
ARSEN - ''black sunday'' 7'' (react with protest) 400 sit/ 2 e (metalcore)
BACKDRAFT - ''the stream.'' 7'' (crucial response) 200 sit/ 1e (old school)
BOB BONDEX JOHNSTON – ''s/t'' 7'' (x-mist) 200 sit/ 1 e (emocore)
BOTH SIDES - ''injustice'' 7'' (bridge of compassion) 200 sit/ 1 e (new
COLLATERAL DAMAGE - ''s/t'' 7'' (indecision) 200 sit/ 1 e (new school)
CROSSING CHAOS - ''disgusting reality'' (blinded productions) 200/ 1 e
DAMITOL - ''more'' 7'' (flat end) 200 sit/ 1 e (emoHC)
DOWN TO FAIL - ''monkey suite pt. 1'' 7'' (flowerviolence) 200 sit/ 1
e (metalcore)
DROWNING ROOM - ''the divinity syndrome'' 7'' (trip machine) 200 sit/
1 e (new school)
EXTREME SMOKE - ''musical catastrophe'' (musical destruction) 400 sit/
2 e (grindcore)
GANDIVA - ''s/t'' 7'' (devils head) 200 sit/ 1 e (emo metal)
GO FOR IT - compilation 7'' (reflections) 200 sit/ 1 e (strength approach,
rainforce, h-street) (old school)
I REN DESPERATION - ''aldrig kopt - aldrig sald'' 7'' (bridge) 200 sit/
1 e (crust/punk'n'roll)
IMMORAL MAJORIY - ''s/t'' 7'' (green) 200 sit/ 1 e (old school)
JADED - ''s/t'' 7'' (diffusion) 200 sit/ 1 e (emocore)
KILL, THE - ''demo release'' 7'' (625 thrashcore) 400 sit/ 2 eur (grindcore)
MAD MINORITY - ''vacuum'' 7'' (braintime) 200 sit/ 1e (punk/hc)
MAN IN THE SHADOW - ''s/t'' 7'' (jay-walk) 200 sit/ 1 e (anarcho emo)
MARS MOLES/ BREZ PANIKE... - split 7'' (živela komercijala) 200 sit/ 1
e (punk/hc)
MEGAWEAPON - ''i wan't call you'' 7'' (ridikulus) 200 sit/ 1 e (old school/punk
MOL - ''dos mundos'' 7'' (mala raza) 100 sit/ 1 e
OPEN SEASON - ''1989-1991'' 7'' (s.o.a.) 200 sit/ 1 e (old school)
PARUZIJA - ''diskomafia original parts'' 7'' (hyperion) 200 sit/ 1 e (old
PEACE OF MIND/ UPSET - split 7'' (das syndikat) 200 sit/ 1 e (punk/hardcore)
PROVIDENCE/ FREE AT LAST - split 7'' (x file) 200 sit/ 1 e (old school)
RETCH/AVEN - split 7'' (full of shit) 200 sit/ 1 e (grindcore/dark metallic
SPIRIT - ''s/t'' 7'' (resurrection a.d.) 200 sit/ 1 e (old school)
SPIT ACID/ STEP INTO NOWHERE – split 7'' (per koro) 200 sit/ 1e
THREE PARTS OF INTENSE EMOTION - compilation 7'' (unsubmissive) 200 sit/
1 e (deamons jaded passion, linsay, springwater)
V/A X THE SISTERHOOD X - compilation 7'' (emancypunx) 400 sit/ 2 e (venus
genetrxxx, infect, uneven, presence of mind, to see you broken)
LIMITED OPTIONS...SOLD AS NOBLE ENDEAVORS - benefit compilation 10''
900 sit/ 4 e (mk-ultra, thenceforward, swallowing shit, deadstoolpigeon,...10

1000 sit/ 5 e (power violence)
ARTIMUS PYLE - ''civil dead'' LP (prank) 1200 sit/ 5 e (punk/hardcore)
ATOM AND HIS PACKAGE - ''making love'' LP (no idea) 1200 sit/ 5 e (disco/pop/punk)
DRIFTNET - ''a sample of no commercial...'' LP (dead serious) 1200 sit/
5 e (old school hc)
FOUNDATION - ''s/t'' LP (hometown caravan) 1800/ 9 e (acoustic emo)
MANFACE - ''Cuando llega..'' LP (our struggle rec.) 900 sit/ 4,5 e (metal/hc)
TIMEBOMB - ''the best is here fellas'' LP (cane) 1200 sit/ 5 e (political
TWELVE HOUR TURN - ''Perfect progress, perfect...'' LP (no idea) 1200
sit/ 5 e (emocore)
