bo verjetno moja prva recenzija kar se tiče kompilacij. Razlogov,
zakaj temu tako je več. Prvič, sem človek, ki si raje nabavi album
posamičnega benda, drugič, obstajajo hitrejši in cenejši načini
za spoznavanje novih zased, tako da kompilacije, če le niso zastonj
spregledam in tretjič, če že dobim kako kompilacijo, je to le sempler
brez pravega bookleta z besedili, fotografijami in informacijami
o bendih, za razliko Your Scene Sucks, ki to ima. Kompilacija vsebuje
28 tako prej izdanih kot tudi še neizdanih komadov 27etih hardcore/punk
bendov, ki so razen par izjem vsi doma iz zda. No, pa začnimo. Cd
prične z The Control, s komadom, ki je pobran iz albuma ''The Forgotten''
o katerem sem pisal ravno par dni nazaj, tako da si lahko kar tukaj
preberete kaj več o bendu, de ne bom niti izgubljal časa z detajli.
Naslednji so Breathe In, o katerih sem tudi že pisal, ko sem recenziral
njihov split s Time in Mlata. Enostaven punk hardcore z izrabljenimi
rifi in besno, ostrim kričečim vokalom. Komad ni nič posebnega in
nima niti priloženega besedila! Ohoho, naslednji so hardcore veterani
Sick of it All katere sem spoznal v času svojega zgodnjega odkrivanja
hardcore scene in jih nisem slišal vse do sedaj. Fantje imajo po
vseh teh letih še vedno tisti zvok ''pravega'' starega hardcora,
ki me ni nikoli nevem kako navduševal. Spročilo besedila je ''Free
your mind''. Za nasleden bend z imenom Heads vs. Breakers nisem
še nikoli prej slišal. Tu imajo prijeten melodičen emo/punkrock
komad, ki zveni kot kaka punkrock-erska verzija Hot Water Music.
Besedilo kritizira hardcore sceno in se sprašuje o smiselnosti biti
del nje. Cool komad! Metalkorovci Most Precious Blood se predstavijo
s komadom, katerega zvočna kakovost je na nivoju garažnih posnetkov
in je morda to edina smiselna razlaga, zakaj komad spominja na Darkest
Hour. Kakor se spomnim njihove zgošcenke na Trustkill, so tam zveneli
drugače. Besedilo o zlomljenih srcih in uničenemu prijateljstvu.
V naslednjem komadu, ki je mimogrede delo norcev C.R. razen 30 sekundnega
distorziranega hrupa ne dobimo prav dosti, niti besedila. Kill Your
Idols katere, sem poznal le po imenu se predstavijo z old school
komadom tipo Youth of Today in besedilom, ki je proti ubijanju živali
za izdelavo krzna. Precej dolgočasna glasba! Za The Curse slišim
prvič in me s svojo verzijo punk/hardcora ala Rancid ne pritegnejo.
Z besedilom se izražajo kako ''lepo'' je biti delavski razred. Naslednji
so Revolution Summer, zame najbolj svež in najbolj zažigalen bend
na tej kompilaciji. Njihova glasba je neke vrste old school hardcore,
kjer uporabljajo heavy-metal način kitarskega igranja, ampak brez
da bi pri tem zveneli metalsko! Text je iteligento zapisan in kritizira
človeško naravo. Upam, da bom še kaj slišal o tem bendu! Tear It
Up so edini bend tukaj z dvema komadoma, ampak, glede na to da eden
traja le 11 sekund, zaradi tega prav nič ne izstopajo. Prvi je počasen
old school style komad, ki je živ dolgčas, drugi pa ultra-fast nažigancija,
ki ni vredna niti tega casa. Kje so besedila? Angleži Capdown igrajo
melodicen punk rock in s svojim komadom niso dovolj prepričljivi,
da bi jih lahko pohvalil. Z besedilom opisujejo pokvarjeno živlenje
v današnjem prostoru in času, ter izražajo svojo željo/zahtevo po
spremembah, uporu. Potem je tu še eden meni neznan bend The Missing
23rd s kar uredu old school hc komadom, ki spominja na čase mojega
zbiranja Third Party Records plat. Ni slabo, niti besedilo ne, ki
pridiga, da se je strahu treba postaviti po robu. O Downpour albumu,
na katerem se nahaja tale skladba sem že pisal recenzijo in lahko
čekirate tukaj.
Za Rise Against prvič slišim in kot piše tukaj je bend doma na Fatwreck
Chords. Melodičen hardcore komad mi je super, vendar pa imam ves
čas občutek da poslušam Strike Anywhere. Le kdo je kopiral koga?
Rdeča nit besedila je prijateljstvo. Wage of Sin je bend o kateremu
se dosti sliši zadnje čase tako da je komad tu kot nalašč zame,
glede na to, da sem si želel čimprej poslušati tale cel ženski metalcore
bend. Ful mi je vseč, da so se dekleta odločila za metalcore, za
stil, pri katerem so ženske članice prava redkost. Obetaven metalcore
komadič s peklenskim vokalom...spominja na Walls of Jericho! Komad
govori o bolečih posledicah, ki jo prinese izguba bližnjega. Ex
Number Five si s svojim melodičnim punkrock-emocore komadom zaslužiojo
najvišjo oceno! Resnično super narejen komad, v katerem vokalist
s svojim izjemnim glasom prepeva o prijateljstvu. Left With Nothing
so zame novi. Komad je glasbeno soliden metaliziran hardcore s težkim
zvokom, kar pa mi je bolj vseč je priloženo besedilo, ki opisuje
njihov pogled na neprijazen sistem v katerega smo postavljeni. O
Toxic Narcotic albumu, kjer je tudi dobavljiv tale komad sem pisal
preden sem se lotil te kompilacije in si lahko več preberete tukaj.
Res ne vem zakaj so dali sem gor svoj najbolj beden komad? Jedi
5 so še eden iz dolge vrste prvič slišanih bendov. Igrajo nekakšen
emocore s čisto majhnim dodatkom metala in grobim skorajda neprijetnim
vokalom, ki se spreminja v krasno petje. Glede na besedilo sklepam,
da se je nekdo avtorju hudo zameril. No Denail so glasbeno tako
neokusni da, mi dela kar slabo. Zaostal old school hardcore, ki
mi verjetno ne bi bil vseč niti v času svojega old school fanatizma.
V besedilu najpraj jamrajo o težkem živlenju, apak ga proti koncu
lepo zaključijo s pozitivnimi in prijaznimi besedami. Nizozemce
Reaching Forward, kljub njihovem (vsaj kakor se meni zdi) pogostem
izdajanju plat nisem slišal že od njihovega prvega 7'' na Commitment
Rec. Še vedno igrajo old school hardcore, ki pa so ga od takrat
vsekakor izpopolnili. Komad je bolj počasne sorte ampak ni slabo.
Besedilo se vrti okrog negativnih življenskih sprememb. Books Lies
začnejo kot kak scream emo-violence bend a se kmalu prelevijo v
bolj tradicionalne hardcore ritme. Sem mislil da je boljše! Nič
besedil! Stampin' Ground slišim prvič in sedaj vem, da nisem dosti
zamujal. Metalski tough guy hardcore s Caliban rifi in težkimi breakdowni.
Precej nasilno, celo za uho! Še kar cool besedilo s družbeno-socialno
temo. Engage igrajo old school hc z zanimivim vpitjem, dobrimi rifi
in pozitivno napisanim besedilom. Cool stvar! Let In Burn imajo
prijeten melodičen rock'n'roll punk rock koamd in kar zanimivo napiasno
besedilo o (ne)prijatelstvu. I like it! Red Light Flesh prihajajo
iz sosednje Avstrije in me kar čudi, da zanje nisem še slišal. Njihova
glasba je emo hardcore, ki čisto malo spominja na Boy Sets Fire
in je bolj ali manj melodično okrašen. Dobro besedilo s kapljico
politike. In koncno še zadnji bend, vsempoznani Ensign. Teh tipov
tudi nisem slišal že kar nekaj casa! Njihova verzija drvečega hardcora
je še vedno okusna kot vedno, ali pa še bolj saj ima komad pristen
melodije in uredu besedilo, ki se trudi povedati, naj bo vsak to
kar je. Ja, to so bili izbrani bendi, ki bodo s skupnimi močmi zbombandirali
današnjo mtv ''hardcore'' sceno in pokazali svetu, za kaj prava
hardcore/punk scena stoji. Solidna kompilacija!
This's probably my first compilation I ever reviewed. There're a
few reasons why, though. Firstly, I'm a person who prefer buying
individual band releases, secondly, there're faster and cheaper
sources of getting known new bands, so I usually overlook compilations
unless they're not for free and lastly, if I get a compilation it's
usually just a sempler without included booklet with lyrics, photos
and band infos, like in the case of Your Scene Sucks which has all
needed conditions. The compilation is composed by 28 songs (around
14 preveously unreleased) done by 27 hardcore/punk bands, which
are except in a few cases all home in usa. Ok, let's go... Cd starts
with The Control's song which's taken from their ''The Forgitten''
e.p. I wrote about last week. Check it out here,
so I won't waste my time with details. Next are Breath In I also
wrote about lately when I reviewed their split with Time in Malta.
It's a plain punk/hardcore song with shabby chords and rabid screaming.
Nothing special and no lyrics included. Ohoho, next are hardcore
veterans Sick of It All I haven't heard since my early discovering
of hardcore world. It's amazing they still keep up with totally
the same sound after all these years! Unfortunaly I was never too
much inspired by that sound. Ther message from the lyric is ''free
your mind''. I'm hearing the following band called Heads vs. Breakers
for the first time and I already like it. Nice melodic emo/punkrock
song sounding close to punkrock version of Hot Wather Music. They
criticize hardcore scene and questioning if it's worth staying part
of it. Most Precious Blood sound quality is on the level of garage
recordings, which's probably the only reasonable explanation why
they reminds me on Darkest Hour. As I remember theit debut on Trustkill,
it was much different. Lyric about broken hearts and lost friendships.
Next song, which's by the way work of infamous C.R. deliver just
30 seconds of distorted trash and nothing else. Kill Your Idols
which I knew just by their name are presented with an old school
hc song ala Youth of Today and the lyric which's against animal
slaughtering for fur. Pretty boring music! The Curse were also unknown
to me and I was not attracted after I heard their Rancid type of
music. With lyric they express themselves how ''nice'' is it beeing
a working class. Next are Summer Revolution, if you ask me, the
hotest band inhere. I love this song! It's king of old school hc
sounding music adorn by heavy metal guitar playing, but without
sounding too metal or no metal at all. Intelligently written text
criticize our human nature. Hope to hear more of this band! Tear
It Up are the only band inhere having two songs but one's length
least only 11 seconds so it doesn't really count. First it's a slow
old school style hc song which's a total boredom and second is ultrafast
madness not worth even its 11 seconds. Where're the lyrics? Capdown
from England are playing melodic punkrock song unfortunately not
convincing enough for me to approve it. Lyric deals with life in
present time and the're expresing their desire/demand after changes,
resistsnce... Than there's another unknown band called The Missing
23rd. Old school hc which sounds cool and remind me of time I used
to collect Third Party Records releases. With lyric they tell us
we have to face our fears. About the Downpur album where next song
was taken from I already wrote something, so take a look here.
Rise Against are one of many Fatwrack Chord bands I never heard
about. Their song's great but I have that strange feeling that makes
me think I'm listening to Strike Anywhere. I wonder who mirrors
who? The lyric main issue's friendship. Next are Wage of Sin, a
female-fronted metalcore band from usa. I'm really glad they appeared
on this disc since I noticed their name quite frequetly these days
and therefore wonted to check them out. They have promising metalcore
song with hellish screaming vocal and lyric about painful consequences
on losing someone close to your heart. They actually reminiscent
of Walls of Jericho. I think it's really cool they took a style
where female members are rarity! Ex Number Fine deserve the highest
mark with their perfect melodic emo/punkrock song. Really amazing
done peace of work, adorn with insuperable beautiful singing and
nice lyric about friendship. Left With Nothing have a solid heavy
sounding metlcore song with good intelligent text relating to cold
society we live in. I was writing about Toxic Narcotic just before
I started with this review so you can see the details by clicking
I really don't know why they put inhere their worst song? Jedi 5
are new to me. They're doing some kind of emocore with a slight
touch of metal and vocals that varied from rough almost unplesand
gumble to nice beautiful singing. Reading the text I get a feeling
they must be really pissed off on somebody at the time of writing
it. No Denail's song is so untastefully done that makes me almost
sick. Totally obsolete old school hc song I wouldn't bear even in
the time of my old school fanaticism. Lyric starts with grumbling
about how this life sucks but than they end it with some nice and
positive words. Next are Reaching Forward from the Netherlands.
I haven's heard these guys since their first 7'' on Commitment Rec.
They still play old style hardcore, but I can hear some improvement.
The song is rather slow but it's not bad, quite good actually. Lyric
rounds around negative life changes. Books Lies song starts out
like some crazy emoviolence band but than it turns into more classic
hardcore rhythms. I thought they're better! No text! I hear Stampin'
Ground for the first time and I can see I din't missed much. Metallic
tough guy hardcore with Caliban type riffs and heavy breakdowns.
Very violent music even for ears, but they have ok lyric dealing
with sociol issues. Next are Engage and they're playing plesant
old school hardcore with interesting singing, good riffs and positive
written lyric. Cool stuff! Let it Burn have nice melodic rock'n'roll
punkrock song and interesting text about (un)friendship. I like
it. Red Light Flesh are coming from Austria, which make me wonder
how I never heard of them before. I see their music as emocore that
just a little remainds on Boy Sets Fire and it's more or less melodic.
Nice lyric with a glance of political feeling. And finally the last
band, well known Ensignd. I haven't heard from this guys for years.
Their version of old school hardcore is still tasteful like always,
or maybe even better since the song has a good sense of melody and
fine lyric, where they're trying to teach us we have to be ourselves.
Yep, these are the choosen bands which will with their united strengths
bombarded todays mtv ''hardcore'' scene and show to the world what
the real hardcore/punk scene stands for.