Genere: noisy emo-core/rock
: 4/10
Label: Gory records
Year: 2002
Length: 6 tracks - 20:31 min
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Favourite Tracks: ''Sa(ch)aren''

20 min francoskega emo-cora/rocka z noisy rifi in vokalom, ki je včasih govoreče-speven, drugič distorzirano kričeč. Glasba je bolj temačne sorte in včasih nerazlikujoča od kakšne pustobne deževne nedelje. V večini gre za počasen tempo, so pa tudi izjeme kot je ''Sa(ch)aren'', ki je malo bolj tekoč in nosi nekakšne srahljive zvoke, ki spominjajo na kako old school znanstevno fantastiko. Pri ostalih komadih so mi predvsem všeč bass linije in pa nekateri bolj umirjeni predeli, drugače pa se mi zdi glasba, ki jo trio ustvarja, precej pusta in brez prave doze energije. Ovitek je narejen iz motno prozornega papirja in kartonske karte znotraj, kar se morda sliši zanimivo ampak ne izgleda ravno tako. Prva stran bi še bila za silo, medtem ko ostalo izgleda, kot da bi prišlo do napake pri tiskanju ali kaj podobnega. Precej neprofesionalen izgled bi rekel. Besedila bi znala bit zanimiva ampak jih nažalost ni. Fantje sicer imajo potencial in nekateri predeli so dobro napravljeni, ampak s temi petimi komadi me še zdaleč niso osvojili in izgleda, do bo petrebo še dosti dela, pa tudi še en kitarist ne bi bila tako slaba ideja!

English Version:
20 min of french emo-core/rock with noisy riffing and vocals ranging from spoken-singing to distorted screaming. Most of the time it's about slow tempos, but there're also songs like ''Sa(ch)aren'' which's a little bit fluid and carry cool eerie sounds reminding me on some old school science fiction movie. With other songs I like especially bass playing and these a bit more calmed peaces, but other than that I would say it's very somber and quite tedious music not unlike some rainy and desolate winter day. Layout is made of muddy diaphanous paper and a cardboard inside which might sound interesting but doesn't really look that way. Let's say front cover is so-so while the rest looks like they had a huge problems with printer or something. Very unprofessional CD presentation if you ask me. Their lyrics might be interesting but unfortunately they're not included. Anyway, Weeping Mind of Silence have the potential since some parts are really well done but they still have plenty of work to do and one more guitar wouldn't be such a bad idea...