Vision! Kakšno presenečenje. Od teh tipov res nisem nič slišal že
kar en lep čas. Niti si nisem mislil da bend še vedno ostaja in
puff, tle je novi CD. Glasbeno niso več tako oldschoolersko obarvani
kot včasih, pač pa se oprijemajo modernega punkrock zvoka s skorajda
vedno prisotno hardcore agesijo/energijo. Enako velja tudi za vokalista,
ki v večini prepeva melodično, zna pa tudi včasih malce bolj grobo
zavpiti. Skratka, struktura komadov je zanimiva in včasih so prav
prijetni za uho, ampak rifi se kmalu zdijo malce preveč tipični
in dobim občutek, kot da poslušam nek punkrock band iz TV-ja, kar
pa morda niti ni tako začudujoče, glede na to da je njihov prejšnji
album ''Watching the world burn'' izšel za Epitaph Records. Mah,
ne vem, prva dva komada sta super in mogoče še dva v nadaljevanju,
preostanek pa je bolj srednja žalost in ne pomagajo niti solacije,
niti rock'n'roll vplivi. Malce sem razočaran, kajti od benda, ki
deluje že več kot 15 let,bi res pričakoval malce več oz. nekaj zrelejšega.
Besedila so enostavna in se lepo rimajo, čeprav gre pač spet za
iste teme kot pri podobnih bendih...hc/punk scena, odpor, notranja
moč, vstrajnaje, spreminjanje, prizadeta čustva, itd. Nič posebnega.
Vse skupaj pride v oranžno-črnem ovitku, katerega prednja stran
se navezuje na sam naslov albuma. Kot sem že prej povedal, nad izdelkom
sem rahlo razočaran, ampak mislim da zna biti ''Detonate'' kar vseč
fanom Pennywise-ov in podobnih...
Wow, Vision! What a pleasant surprise. I haven't heard from
this guys for years and neither knew if they're still around or
not and than one day I received this one. Of course, musically they
are not as oldschool as they were in the past but they rather cling
to modern punkrock sound with a constant presence of hardcore aggression
and energy. The same goes for their vocalist which most of the time
sing melodic yet he's not afraid shouting from time to time. Song
structures are interesting and sometimes they are like a good food
for ears but their riffing soon become so damn typical and I get
a feeling like I'm listening to some punkrock band I heard on TV.
Well, that's not really that surprising since their previous record
''Watching the world burn'' came out on Epitaph Records. I really
like the first two songs and maybe two more songs ahead but the
rest of material is pretty boring and neither solos, neither rock'n'roll
infuences can't change that. I would have expect something much
more mature from a band that's around for more than 15 years. Lyrics
are simple and they rhyme really nicely but than it's again about
the same subjects similar bands write...hc/punk scene, fight back,
inner strength, persistence, hurt feelings and so on. Nothing special.
All this come in a black'n'orange colours with a front cover that
goes well with the album title. Like you could notice above, I'm
a bit disappointed about this record but I still think kids who
are into Pennywise and alike will eat this up.