vem kako, ampak v trenutku, ko sem se prvič pogleal ovitek ''We're
all doomed'' se mi je že kar zdelo, kaj naj pričakujem. Heh, od
benda, ki nosi ime Toxic Narcotic in ima na ovitku kup lobanj res
ne moreš pričakovati kakšne pocukrane glasbe. Toxic Narcotic prihajajo
iz Bostona, kot sem nekje prebral delujejo že več kot deset let,
kar je vsekakor pohvale vredno in iz komada ''Talk is poison idea''
lahko razberemo, da gre za tri osebke, ki vlagajo ves svoj trud
in čas v bend, verjamejo v diy in bodo večno igral za hrano in pijačo.
Ko bi le bilo več takih bendov! Glasba, ki jo igrajo je surova in
zame precej neprivlačna zmes crusta, punka, rock'n'rolla, hardcora
in metala, z zamazanim utrujujočim zvokom in večinoma hitrimi, ter
divjimi ritmi, ki včasih preidejo tudi v grind vode. Bobnar je totalen
maniak in resnično obvlada svoj dvojni pedal. Vokal je grobo kričeč,
značilen za crust bende in mu pogosto delajo družbo močni backvokali.
Besedila so polna besa in sovraštva nad človeško vrsto in svetom
kakeršnega smo ustvarili, ter so željena apokalipse, ki bi vsemu
temu naredila konec. Njihov glavni moto je no future, kar lahko
razberete že iz samega naslova, ki ga nosi album. Ne vem, glasba
ki jo ponuja ''We're all doomed'' me niti malo ne privči, ampak
sem prepričan, da je to prava stvar za pristaše crust in punk godbe!
I don't know how, but in the moment when I first saw ''We're all
doomed'' layout I already knew what will be this all about. Heh,
you really can't expect some sweet music from a band called Toxic
Narcotic which has a bunch of skulls on the layout. They are coming
from Boston and like I caught somewhere they have been around for
more than ten years, which's by all means worthy of praise. I gathered
from a song titled ''Talk is poison idea'' that this trio put all
the effort and time into their band, they stand for diy and they
will forever play for the price of food and beer. I wish there would
be more bands like them outhere! Their music is row and for me pretty
unattractive blend of crust, punk, rock'n'roll, hardcore and metal,
with stained tiring sound and most of the time fast and wild rhythms
which sometimes turn into grind madness. Their drumer is a real
maniac and know how to hande his double pedal. Vocal is rough screamed,
typical for crust bands and in almost every song has a company of
shouted backvocals. Lyrics are full of rage and hatred over human
kind and the world like it is. They're calling apocalypse which
would made an end to all the fucked up thing going on around the
globe and their main motto is ''No future'', which you can find
also in their album title. I don't know, the music this CD offers
is not even a little attractive to me but I bet this would be a
real thing for all the crust and punk adherents outthere!