APART - ''Ten songs for the bleeding hearts'' CD
songs for the kids in love. I'm not really sure if this is the right
music for someone who is in love, for someone who is in puberty or
for someone who just broke up with his/her girlfriend/boyfriend…I
think not, but that's just my opinion. Anyway, Torn Apart play chaotic
new school HC which from time to time sounds really fucked up. Vocal
part sounds like any band on Ferret records (they remind me on For
the love of a lot). The first few songs are pretty interesting but
than all together slowly sinks down. The same means for the lyrics,
which the first few are very cool, but than all become pretty monotonous.
One song is titled ''Every girl has a boyfriend…is your in Torn Apart''.
I guess I'm not really a guy to laugh that kind of jokes. And it really
gets on my nerves all this Torn Apart poses and photos. But this is
Rock'n'Roll right?
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