ameriška hadrcore benda predstavljena na nizozemski založbi Reflections
records, ki je razen po kvalitetnih izdajah poznana tudi po svojem
istoimenskem magazinu. Glasbeno sta si benda precej različna in
se prej ne ujemata skupaj kot obratno, ampak meni so itak všeč različni
stili hardcora in različna glasba nasploh, tako da s tem nimam problemov.
Prvi trije komadi so delo Time in Malte in če si bi nabavil tole
zgošcenko, bi si jo prav zaradi njih. Njihov prvi album ''Construct
and demolish'', ki sem ga kaki dve leti nazaj recenziral sicer ni
bil nič posebnega, ampak od takrat so kar dobro izpopolnili svoj
zvok in si kar želim, da bi imeli na zgošcenki kaj več kot le tri
komade. Njihova glasba je emocionalen hardcore z ne premočnimi metalnimi
vplivi, ki zveni včasih umirjeno in melodično, včasih ostro in destruktivno.
Vokal je enkrat kričeč, drugič speven, kar deluje perfektno in se
ne bi mogel bolje ulivati s samo glasbo. Komadi imajo super melodije
in so si med seboj precej različni kar je le še en dokaz, da gre
za izkušeno trojico polno svežih idej! Besedila so čudovita! Tekst
v ''This revolution'' nosi nauk, ki izvira iz časa razsvetljenstava
in govori o človeku, ki je ob rojstvu nepopisan list in je od njega
samega odvisno, kaj bo na njem zapisano. V ''Rekindle'' hrepenijo
po boljšem življenju, za ''Pink moon'' pa se mi niti približno ne
sanja o sporočilu. Naslednji štirje komadi pripadajo Breathe In,
bendu, za katerega nisem še slišal nikoli prej in se nebi čudil,
ce zanje nebi slišal nikoli. Njihova glasba je precej bolj divja
od svojih partnerjev in zveni kot drveč punk/hardcore z zagrljenim
kričanjem, ki se včasih spremeni v melodično petje. Meni deluje
totalno nezanimivo in neoriginalno, ampak to je seveda stvar okusa.
Besedila imajo v sebi dosti besa in obupa, vendar se mi zdijo precej
amaterska in mi nikakor niso všeč. Je potrebno še dodatno pisat
kateri bend na tem splitu zmaga?
Two american hardcore bands represented on Netherlandish Reflections
Records which is besides quality releases known also by their sametitled
magazine. These two bands are musically totally different from each
other but I like different styles of hardcore and in generally different
kind of music, so I don't see any problem with that. First three
songs are done by Time in Malta and if I would buy this split I
would buy it because of them. Their debut album ''Construct and
demolish'' I reviewed about two years ago was nothing special but
since than they improved their sound pretty well and I wish there
would be more than just these 3 tracks. The music they play is emotional
hardcore with not too strong metal touch. Sometimes they sound calm
and melodic, sometimes sharp and demolishing. The vocal part is
a mixture of screaming and singing which works perfectly and it
couldn't be more convenient for their music. Besides the great melodies
there's also diversity we can hear from one song to another which
is just another proof showing we're dealing with mature trio full
of fresh ideas. The lyrics are wonderful aswell as the music is.
''This revolution'' carry a lesson which derive from the age of
enlightenment and speaks about a man who is an empty book at his
birth and everything depends on him about what will be writen in
it through his life. I see ''Rekindle'' as a longing for a better
life, but I have no idea about the message in ''Pink moon''. Next
or the last four songs belog to Breathe In, a band I never heard
about before and I can see why. They play driving punk/hardcore
with throaty screaming which sometimes change to melodic singing...sounds
much more wilder than their partners do! Unfortuantely, this works
for me totally unattractive but I guess that's a matter of taste.
The lyrics include lots of rage and despair and are pretty amateurishly
writen so I don't like it. I guess I don't need an additional line
to write which band is a winner!