je bil zame verjetno eden najbolj pričakovanih albumov v zadnjih
letih. Že več kot leto nazaj sem si dal dol z njihove strani 2 demo
mp3-ja za tale prihajajoči album in sem bil močno fasciniran. Nažalost
pa je prišlo v tem času do sprememb v bendu in rezultat je tale
cd, ki ni niti približno tako dober kot njihov prvi mcd ''The frozen
divide'', ki je zame eden najboljših albumov vseh časov. Običajno
bend svojo glasbo razvija in postaja s časom vedno boljši, v tem
primeru pa se je izkazalo ravno obratno, vendar kljub mojemu razočaranju
nad to plato, si komadi še vedno zaslužijo dobro oceno, saj nikakor
niso slabi, ampak le ne dosegajo pričakovanj, ki so bile očitno
previsoka. Res me čudi kako to, da so komadi na demotu zveneli bolje
kot tu na tem cd-ju? Njihovi prejšnji komadi so bili bolj agresivni,
hitrejši, bolj temačni in atmosferični...najboljši blackmetal kar
sem ga kdaj slišal! Tu pa je glasba počasnejša, in se zdi, kot da
bi zamenjali bobnarja, ki pa daleč zaostaja za bobnarjem iz prejšnjega
albuma. Vse skupaj je obarvano bolj heavy-metalsko, čeprav se še
vedno pojavljajo black-metal kosi in še vedno ostaja mešanica melodicnega
in temačnega, tako kot na prejšnjem albumu. Vokal je postal bolj
metaski in deluje kar temačno, čeprav ni tako perfekten kot prej.
V komadih se pojavlja tudi klavir, ki mu običajno dela spremljavo
dobro heavy-metalsko žaganje ali pa kaka super solacija, katerih
na tem albumu ne zmanjka, pojavlja pa se tudi speven vokal, ki name
ne deluje nevem kako dobro. Imamo tudi dva inštrumentalna komada
in pa akustiko, kar je vsekakor dobra stvar. Ovitek je zelo dolgočasno
opremljen in izgleda bolj, kot da bi bil narejen v stilu ''Samo
da je nekaj'', kot pa kaj drugega. Besedila so kar zanimiva...dobro
napisana, poetična, obarvana temačno in pravljično, ter seveda polna
metafor. Čeprav je to dober old-school-metal zveneč album sem po
drugi strani močno razočaran nad bendom!
This was probably one of my most expected albums in the last
few years. For more than one year ago I downloaded a few demo mp3s
for their upcoming album and I was strongly fascinated. Unfortunately,
there were some changes in the band during that time and here we
have the results which aren't even close to their debut mcd ''The
frozen divide'' (which was one of my favourite albums of all times).
Usually it happens that a band develop it's music and became better
with time but in this case it happened just contrary. Well, in spite
of my disillusion over this release, I still think songs deserve
a good mark since they are not bad at all, but they just don't reach
my expectations which were apparently a little to hight. It really
makes me wonder how can songs from the demo sound better than here,
on this full length? Their old songs were more aggressive, faster,
darker and more atmospherical...the best blackmetal I ever heard!
But here, we have slow music and it seems like they replaced the
old drummer with some new guy who's far behind the one from previous
album. Everythings is more heavy-metal sounding, although there
are still some blackmetal parts and there's still present a taste
of melodic and dark mixture like it was on their debut. Vocalist
sounds like some metal dude with darken screaming, which's cool
but not as perfect as before. Through the songs sometimes appears
piano which usually has a company of a good heavy metal playing
or some amazing guitar solo you can find in every single song. Sometimes
echo singing has it's moments but I'm not that musch enthusiastic
about that. CD include also two instrumental songs and some acoustic
moments which's a good thing! The lay-out is boring and sometimes
I think it looks like that just becouse they were out of time. The
lyrics are quite interesting... good writen, poetic, metaphoric,
coloured dark and fabulous. Although this's a good old school metal
sounding album I'm on the other hand deeply disappoited over the
band I used to love so much...