Robocop Kraus so vroč pop/emo/rock bend iz nemčije, ki ima za sabo
že kar nekaj plat ampak ''Living with other people'' je moj prvi
stik z njimi. Preden začnem karkoli pisat moram priznati, da mi
emo-pop bendi z močnejšim poudarkom na sintu niso nikoli bili preveč
vseč in mi niti sedaj niso, čeprav za to kar delajo The Robocop
Kraus ne morem reči da je slabo, saj je njihova glasba je privlačna,
zanimiva, istočasno zažiga in zabava ter pade hitro v uho. Ob poslušanju
mi pridejo na misel neki zamegljeni rock bendi, ki so bili popularni
v mojem otroštvu (predvsem zaradi načina petja) ali pa se mi vsaj
tako zdi, kajti glazba je drugače dokaj samosvoja. Kitarist stalno
spušča nenavadne zvoke in brenka po svoje, medtem ko je basist tisti
ki večkrat povezuje komad v celoto. Občasno se tudi oglaša saxofon,
flavta, nekaj je elektronike, sintič pa služi kot druga kitara in
je tako ves čas prisotoen. Skratka komadi se lepo razlikujejo in
predstavljajo dobre pol ure materijala, ki so ga The Robocop Kraus
kovali zadnji 2 leti. Besedil in ovitka nisem dobil takod da o tem
ne morem nič povedati. Solidna plata!
The Robocop Kraus is a hot poppy/emo/rock band out of germany that
put out quite some records till now but somehow this is my first
exposure to the band. Before I start writing anything you should
know I never shown much of enthusiasm when it came to emo-pop bands
with outstanding organ and I still don't but I can't say I don't
like ''Living with other people''. It's catchy, interesting, sometimes
ass-kicking, sometimes amusing music that quickly catch your ears.
Sometimes they recall those memorys of long forgotten popular rock
bands from my childhood (especialy the vocalist's singing manner)
or it's just me, cause otherwise their music is quite unique. Guitarist's
sweeping his strings pretty strangely while the bassist is the one
who's giving directions to most of the songs. Occasionally they
throw in something that could be a saxophone, I can even hear some
flute and they have some electronic moments as well. The organ serves
as a substitute for a secong guitar so it's always there. Anayway,
songs are nicely varied from calmer to almost crazy parts and I
should say this all create a nice document of what The Robocop Kraus
were doing for the last two years. I did not received lyrics and
neither CD package so all there's left to say is to mark it as a
good solid release.