THE HEARSAY T.A.O. - ''By land, by air, by sleep'' CD
Genre: emocore
Label: Gods Child Music Ltd.
Year: 2004
Length: 9 tracks - 30:30 min
Link: The Hearsay T.A.O. Mp3: /
Favourite Track: ''12.02''

Dokaj nepoznan emocore bend iz amerike, ki pa je s svojo glasbo segel vse do Hong Konga, kjer je zgoščenka izšla. Ponuja 9 emocionalnih komadov, ki poleg svoje sladkosti in privlačnosti, vključujejo še dinamičnost, da 3-5 min dolgi komadi lepše in hitreje minejo. Skratka, dosti je enih mešanih občutkov, kjer se srečuješ tako z lepim petjem, kot z ostrim kričanjem, sintom, ki se enkrat perfektno zliva z glasbo, drugič je odveč, ter celim kupom lepih kitarskih melodij, ki poskakujejo, tako kot močni udarci bobnarja. Kot nekakšna mešanica najrazličnejših emocore bendov tipo Thursday, Coheed and Cambria in podobnih imen tega modernega žanra, ki se vse bolj in bolj prodaja na MTVju. Ovitek in osebno-izpovedna besedila niso ravno moja stvar, kričanje je morda včasih malce preveč hudo za njihov stil in tu pa tam zabredejo v kak nezanimiv predel, ampak v večini so prijetni in mi je všeč, da skušajo z vsakim komadom ustvariti nekaj drugega. Če pomislim, da je to šele njihov prvi izdelek, se jim obeta še lepa prihodnost. (11/05/2004)

English Version:
Pretty unknown american outfit with a potentiality to spread their tunes all the way to Hong Kong where this record was released. It offers 9 emotional songs stuffed with sweetness and catchyness, not to mention dynamisc, making 3-5 min long tracks passing nicer and faster. Anyway, they cause me many mixed feelings since they use beautiful singing as well as sharp screaming, keyboards/synth sometimes fits perfectly, next time totally redundant and there're whole bunch of lovely guitar melodies hitting together with a strong drumbeats. Sounds like a mixture of various modern emocore bands ala Thursday, Coheed and Cambria and alike popular names we see on MTV these days. Outer CD appeareance and personal lyrics are not really my thing, screaming moments could be a bit too harsh for their type of music and sometimes they wade into lame parts, but otherwise they're pretty cool and I really like they tried something different with every single song. Speaking about debut album I'm sure their future promise a lot! (11/05/2004)