Control...ameriški hardcore bend, katerih ime sem pogostokrat zasledil
po raznih fanzinih/magazinih, v oglasih založb Reflections Records
in Plus/Minus records, kjer so izdajali plate v preteklosti, ampak
resnično sem jih spoznal šele pred kratkim, ko sem dobil paket od
ameriške založbe Go Kart Records. Moram reči, da so me s tole mini
zgoščenko kar lepo presenetili. Fantje igrajo energičen naspidiran
hardcore, kjer ne manjka melodičnih prijemov, privlačnih melodij
in zanimivuh bas linij. Glasba je dokaj komplicirana, in vsak komad
kljub svoji kratkotrajnosti vsebuje pestro vrsto različnih si rifov
in zanimivo strukturo. Vokal je kričeč, a le toliko, da se še vedno
sliši izgovorjene besede in včasih zaide v melodičnost - če vprašate
mene, za stil glasbe ne bi mogli najti bolj primernega vokala! Besedila
so zapisana na originalen in zanimiv način, in niso tista tipična,
kot bi človek pričakoval od old school hardcore benda... uporabljajo
predvsem metaforičen jezik in se ubadajo s temami kot so odraščanje,
tesnoba, obžalovanje, spremembe,... Cd nažalost vsebuje vsega skupaj
le 6 minut glasbe ampak od e.p.-ja niti ne moremo kaj več pričakovati.
Bom držal odprte oči za njihovo naslednjo izdajo!
The Control...american hardcore band, which name I often noticed
in various fanzines/magazines where Reflections Records and Plus/Minus
Records advertised their latest releases, including The Control
older recordings, but truly I got in contact with the band just
last week when I received a package from Go Kart Records. I must
say I'm impressed! Their energic fastforward hardcore, where melody,
catchy riffs and variegated bass lines don't have limits is a perfect
beckground to start your day with! Songs are pritty complex and
despite to their short duration equipped with planty of various
riffs and good song structures. The vocal is screaming, but just
enough, so we can still clearly hear all the scrimed words and sometimes
goes astray into melodiousness - if you ask me, they couldn't have
found more suitable voice to their music. Lyrics are written pretty
original and interesting and one might say they're not typical for
old school band...they're using metaphorical langueage dealing with
topics like growing up, anguish, regret, changes... Unfortunately
all joy least only 6 minutes, but what can you expect more for e.p.?
I will be holding my eyes wide open for their upcoming release!