Genere: scream-emo-violence
: 7,9/10
Label: Heroine Records
Year: 2003
Length: 6 tracks - approximately 7:26 min
Link: The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra / La Quiete
Mp3: La Quiete - ''Teorema di peters''
Favourite Tracks: La Quiete songs...

Split 7'' z dvema dokaj mladima screamo-violence hardcore bondoma, La Quiete iz Italije in The Apoplexy Twist Orchstra iz Nemčije. A stran polnijo trije prehitro-minljivi komadiči bena La Quiete, katere totalno obožujem. Tipe sem že čekiral nekajkrat v živo in vedno so me navdušili s svojo čudovito, strastno in divjo glasbo ob kateri se ti naježijo dlačice. Ti trije komadi predstavljajo prav to. Iz blazno hitrega hrupa v prelepe plesne ritme in melodije ter vokalist, ki je s svojim kričanjem prav tako zdivjan kot glasba sama. Kot se spodobi so dobra tudi besedila, ki so sicer kratka in odpeta v italijanščini a pridejo z angleškim prevodom. ''People speak more even though they understand less, my silence, does it not have another purpose, than to make me feel how much I have still to learn.'' Komaj čakam, da izdajo kak večji format od split 7inča! O bendu na B strani sem že pisal in se od splita z The Kinetic Crash Cooperation niso nič spremenili. Še vedno ostaja divje-surov emo-violence, ki poskuša zveneti nekako tako kot Orchid. Besedila so kratka, posmehljiva in včasih malce težje razumljiva. Vse skupaj pride v roza-rdečem disko ovitku, ki že vnaprej izdaja, da gre za posebno ploščo. Oba benda sta mi zelo vseč ampak A stran vsekakor pogosteje vrtim! Priporočljivo!

English Version:
A split 7'' with two pretty young screamo-violence hardcore bands, La Quiete from Italy and The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra from Germany. Side A is filled with three quickly fugitive La Quiete songs I totally adore. I saw these guys playing few times and I was always excited by how wonderful, passionate and hectic their music and live perfprmances are. Well, these three songs form exactly the same picture I got on afore mentioned shows. From blazing fast madness right into the dance rhythms and melodies all the way with passionate screaming vocalist, wild like the music itself. As it should be they also have good lyrics which are short and sung in italian language but they come with english translation. ''People speak more even though they understand less, my silence, does it not have another purpose, than to make me feel how much I have still to learn.'' Can't wait they put out something in a biger format than a split 7''. I was already writing about the band on the B side and I can say they didn't change much from their split with The Kinetic Crash Cooperation. It still remains row and crazy Orchid wana be emo-violence with short, sarcastic and sometimes a little bit odd and harder to understand lyrics. All together comes in a nice red'n'pink disco package telling you this split is something special. I really like both bands but side A is definitely rolling more frequently. Recommended!


Genere: scream-emo-violence
: 6,8/10
Label: React With Protest
Year: 2001
Length: 16 tracks - approximately 22:44 min
Link: The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra / The Kinetic Crash Cooperation
Mp3: ''Impressions of garlic painted on dead skin and you'' / ''Moped gang or die''
Favourite Tracks: More or less all The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra tracks + ''824224'', ''James Dean is my friend but he has no hand''...

Precej zanimiv split, ki predstavlja delček današnje scream-emo-violence hardcore scene v Nemčiji. Oba benda sta totalno strgana in se mi zdi malce čudno, da nisem že prej slišal za nobenega od njiju. Sprva sem bil malce zmeden saj je plošča informativno zelo revno opremljena in niti ne veš kater stran plate pripada kateremu bendu, tako da mi je bilo potrebo malo srfat po netu, da so stvari postale jasnejše. Bom začel kar z The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra, če sem že zaradi njih nabavil zadevo. Zasedbo združujejo nekateri člani iz Arsen aka Konig der Monster, kar se čuti tudi v glasbi, ampak drugače je ta bend dosti bolj zanimiv in nor, ter močno spominja na Orchid. Tu imajo devet komadov polnih ostrega kričanja, okusnih rifov in dobro dozo hitrosti. Komadi niso nikoli predolgi, vsebujejo en kup nepričakovanih preobratov in so divji za popizdit, tako da stvar nikoli ne postane dolgočasna. Besedila so bila napisana z isto formulo kot glasba in lahko pričakujete tudi v njih nekja norega. Samo poglejte v naslove komadov kot so ''About surviving the lie-detector without even begging her to whisper the spell'' ali ''Dialogues written down before the marriage between the carcass and the pathologist''. Vsa so zelo kratka, večinoma osebna, čutiti pa je tudi nekaj bolj socialnih tematik. Dobra stvar. The Kinetic Crash Cooperation na drugi strani so še bolj strgani od T.A.T.O. in s svojim kokodakavim kričanjem, hitrim izmenjavanjem nenavadnih rifov, ter še bolj hitrimi nepredvidljivimi bobenskimi udarci ustvarjajo oster šunder, ki te pusti ležati v luži krvi. Z drugimi besedami zvenijo podobno kot The Locust brez sinta, čeprav se tudi tu redko oglašajo sintu podobni zvoki, ki pa nimajo večje vloge. Stvar mi je v prvih par komadih zanimiva, ampak postane v nadaljevanju precej težko in boleče. Priloženi so samo naslovi vseh sedmih komadov in pa web-naslov. Nič besedil, nič podatkov, niti to iz kje prihajajo. Z naslovi komadov kot so ''Bartender give me a drink, I dont wanna think'' ali ''James Dean is my friend but he has no hand'' mislim, da so vsebinsko blizu svojih partnerjev iz druge strani plate. Plošča pride v zelo nenavadnem d.i.y. ovitku, narejen iz kosa karirastega blaga z natisnjeno podobo kačjega pastirja. Nenavadne stvari me sicer privlačijo ampak pri plošcah raje vidim običajen kartonast ovitek. Vsekakor, popolnoma nora plata, katere pravi emo-violece fan ne bi smel spregledati!

English Version:
Pretty interesting split release and a reflection of German's screamo-emo-violence hardcore scene that's alive these days. Both bands are totally crazy and I feel kind of strange I've never heard of any before. At first I was a little confused because there's a huge lack of informations and you don't even know which side is whose unless you do some research. I will strart with The Apoplexy Twist Orchestra since they were the reason I bought this one. They have some Arsen aka Konig der Monster members which can be sometimes teasted in their music but other than that, this's much more insane and powerful music and they strongly reminiscent of Orchid. They spit out nine songs armed with sharp screaming, tasteful riffing and a good dose of fast tempos. Songs are never too long, ther's planty of unexpected changes and they're frantic as fuck so it never really gets boring. Lyrics have been written in the same way as music so you can expect here some carzy shit aswell. Just take a look at song titles like ''About surviving the lie-detector without even begging her to whisper the spell'' or ''Dialogues written down before the marriage between the carcass and the pathologist''. They're all very short and most of them personal but I can feel some social issues aswell. Good stuff! The Kinetic Crash Cooperaton on the other side are even carazier than their partners. With their cackle screaming, fast/odd riffing and even faster unpredictable druming they've created a din sharper than razorblade and by the seventh song you might be covered in wounds. With other words it's close to Locust sans the keyboard, though some strange sounds appear from time to time but it has a small role. At first they're pretty cool but after a few songs they turn into torture machine making me very nerveous. They included no lyrics but looking at this crazy song titles (''Bartender give me a drink, I dont wanna think'' ali ''James Dean is my friend but he has no hand'') I guess they might be close to their partners on the other side. Vinyl comes in an unusual d.i.y. package made of chequered textile with just a small image of dragonfly on it. I like unusual stuff but in the case of LPs I rather see ordinary package. Anyway, this one shouldn't be overlookd by any fan of this style!