SUNRISE - ''Still walking with the fire'' MCD
Genere: metalcore
: 6/10
Label: Youth Culture
Year: 2002
Length: 3 tracks - 9:47 min
Link: Sunrise
Mp3: /
Favourite Tracks: ''Morning dew''

Še vedno sem malce jezen, da sem moral za tale MCD, ki vsebuje 3 komade, vsega skupaj 9:47 min glasbe, odšteti 1600 sit. Na disku je sicer priložen še vidospot, ampak to mi ni ravno v tolažbo. Stvar je vredna 700 sit in kar je več je preveč! Ok, res, da sem si sam kriv če zapravljam denar, brez da bi pred tem dobro premislil, ampak po odličnem nastopu, ki so ga fantje pokazali v Ajdovšcini, sem bil prisiljen nabaviti si nekaj za domačo rabo. Njihov starejši material mi ni bil nikoli preveč všeč, tako da sem se kar odločil za njihovo zadnjo izdajo. Če preidem na komade, ki jih najdemo tu notri me zopet zazebe, ko pomislim na ceno. Stvar je taka, da je tu le ''Still walking with the fire'' njihov novejši komad, medtem ko je ''A light in the dark'' Outspoken priredba, ''Morning dew'' pa preurejen komad iz njihovega prvega demo-ta iz leta 97. K sreči so vsi trije komadi dobri! Fantje so glasbeno dozoreli (čeprav je bil njihov kitarist že od samega začetka mojster) in so si ustvarili nekakšno svojo različico metalcora, ki se močno, močno naslanja na melodičen death metal. ''Still walking with the fire'' zveni kot počasnejša verzija enega izmen bolj rokersko zvenečih At the Gates komadov, narejen po hardcore principu. Prisotna je solacija, zanimivo poigravanje s kitaro, e-chord žagancija in vse skupaj zveni kar dobro, dokler ne pride do predelov kjer nastopi refren, ki je za moj okus preveč melodičen in dolgočasen. Glede besedila mi ni povsem jasno ali gre za religiozno besedilo ali pa je bolj ''True till death'' sorte? Outspoken priredba je še najbolj temačen in najmanj melodičen komad tukaj. Uredu stvar! Nažalost nisem nikoli slišal originala, ampak mislim, da so se fantje dobro odrezali. ''Morning dew'' je moj najljubši, č eprav druga dva ne zaostajata daleč. Blazno vseč so mi prehodi s clean kitaro, zlasti zaključek komada, kjer se ji pridruži super bonanje in izpade skupaj zares odlično. Super mi je tudi poetično besedilo, nad katerim sem precej očaran in dokazuje, da ima Daniel (kitarist) tudi žilico za pisanje besedil: ''...and I saw the rainbow just within my reach, I took some colours of beauty, they were my weapon, against the gray of stones, and than I flew just like a bird...'' Vokal je v vseh komadih peklensko kričeč in veliko pripomore, da glasba deluje še bolj metalsko, kot v resnici je. Priložen video komada ''Still walking with the fire'' ni nič posebnega...črnobela tehnika, mešanje insertov igranja v živo in iz sobe, itd...meni deluje precej smešno, zlasti njihov basist, ki vedno zre v kamero, kot kak amater iz bednega filma. Cd pride v tenki škatlici in nosi na ovitku razpadajočo žensko s krili, ki izgleda, kot da bi bila vzeta iz kakšnega stripa. Ni slabo, čeprav sem bil že davno sit angelskih podob. Komadom malo primankuje energičnosti (verjetno zaradi produkcije) ampak tale Poljski vegan sxe bend piše dober material in sem prepričan, da bo njihova naslednja izdaja album o katerem se bo veliko govorilo!

English Version:
I'm still a bit angry I had to pay 7 euros for a three songs long MCD, all in all 9:49 min of music. Ups, there's also cd-rom portion with a video tracked on ''Still walking with the fire'', but that doesn't really cheer things up. They should sell it for 4 erous maximum cause charging more is a fucking rip off! Ok, it was my own fault I hadn't thought well before I bought it but after their great appearance in my hometown I was kind of forced buying something for home listening and since I don't like their older material I didn't have much choice than picking this one. Skipping to the songs I come across another bad point about this mini. One would expect this will provide him Sunrise's latest material but sadly it's just ''Still walking with the fire'', while ''A light in the dark'' is a Outspoken coversong and ''Morning dew'' rearranged demo song from 1997. Fortuantely all three songs a great! They definitely grown in all aspects and succeeded on making their own sound of metalcore strongly influenced by melodic death metal. ''Still walking with fire'' sounds like a slower version of one of the more rock-ish At the Gates song done with hardcore feel. There's lush guitar playing with a solo, melodies, some e-chords and everything feels great until the chorus's just too melodic and cheesy for my taste. Lyric content might be religious or it's more into ''true till death'' direction...I can't say. Outspoken cover is the most obscure and less melodic song herein. I never heard original version of the song but I think Sunrise did a great job. ''Morning dew'' is my favourite thought other two are not far behind. I love the passage with clean guitar, especially ending up part where has a company of great drumming beats. I also like the poetic lyric which shows this guys already have a sense of lyrics writing from their first begining... ''...and I saw the rainbow just within my reach, I took some colours of beauty, they were my weapon, against the gray of stones, and than I flew just like a bird...''. Vocal is hellish screaming and gives to the band even more metal feel they actually have. The video is nothing too'n'white technique, live/room footage combination, etc. really amusing for me, especially their bass player staring constantly into the camera like some amateur from a bad movie. CD comes in a slim jawel case with a layout that carry decayed female angel looking like it was taken from some comic book. Not bad, though I'm really getting sick of angel imagery on record covers! There's a slight lack of energy in the songs (probably because of the production) but this Polish vegan sxe band knows how to write a good song and I'm sure their next release (hopefully a full-length) will blow everything away!


Poljski vegan sxe metalcore bend...njihov koncert je bil ok, drugače pa mi njihove plate nikoli niso bile vseč...Belgija 22/08/99
...besni naXsani vegani, ki so med komadi izražali svoja mnenja o sxe-ju, prehrani, onesnaževanju, medijih,... Njihova glasba je čisti metal ala At the Gates z vražjim kričanjem in dobrim kitarskim igranjem. Nisem bil pričakoval, da me bodo tako navdušili... Ajdovščina 20/09/2002