bo verjetno ena najboljših plat, kar sej jih je znašlo v moji kolekciji
v letu 2002. Brez zajebancije! Stvar mi je skorajda tako všeč, kot
so mi bili Gorilla Biscuits, ko sem jih pred leti odkril. Ok, tu
malo pretiravam, kajti dvomim, da lahko ima danes še kakšen bend
tako močan vpliv name, kot ga je imela plata ''Start today'', ampak
kar dela tale ameriški bend je prav tako, zelo, zelo dodbro. Vsi
komadi so odlični in predstavljajo melodičen hardcore v svoji najboljši
luči. Moram reči, da take topiline, prijaznosti in iskernosti kot
jih proizvajajo ti komadi, nisem občutil že en lep čas. Hitro-drveča
glasba je polna okusnih rifov, nalezljivih refrenov in super melodij,
ter jo bagati vokalist, ki ve kako je treba mešat melodično petje
z vpitjem ali celo kričanjem. Glasbo je vsekakor težko označiti
samo z eno oznako, kajtu tu je old school hc (hitrost), je punkrock
(melodičnost) in so emocore vplivi (počasnejši deli), tako da se
mi zdi še najbolj smiselna oznaka ''melodic hardcore''. Poleg tega,
da znajo fantje delat izvrsten hardcore so tu še besedila, ki so
napisana prav tako dobro kot glasba. Vsebina je vedno politična
ali družbeno kritična...od nasprotovanja kapitalizmu, sistemu države,
brutalnosti policajev, seksizmu, pohlepu, religiji itd. do zagovarjanja
enakopravnosti, skupnosti, svobeode, poštenosti do sebe in drugih,
itd... Ovitek pride ves v črno-beli kombinaciji z nekaj malega sive,
ter ima v notranjosti lepo urejena besedila in dve koncertni fotki...vse
skupaj daje pravi old school izgled! Super plata! Drugače pa, mislim
da ni potrebno posebej dodajat, da je stvar obvezna!?
If I look back, this is one of the best records I came through this
year (2002). Seriously! I love it almost as much as I loved Gorilla
Biscuits when I found them out years ago. Ok, I'm a little exaggerating
at this point cause I don't belive there's a band out there that
could have such a strong impact on me like ''Start Today'' had back
in the past, but believe me, this american band is awesome as well!
All the songs are great, described as melodic hardcore in it's best
possible way. I have to say I haven't heard anything that sweet,
kind nad sincere for a really long time! Fast driving music is full
of tastefull riffs, infectious choruses, great melodies and there's
a singer who really knows how to blend melodic singing with shouting
or sometimes screaming. It's kind of hard to put them under one
single label since they use old school hc (speed), punkrock (melodiousness)
and there're emocore influences (some slower portions), so I feel
like describing them as ''melodic hardcore'' is the most suitable.
Besieds their song-writing efficency I must say they're also excellent
lyrics writers! Content is always political or sociocritical and
they go from opposition against capitalism, state system, police
brutality, sexism, greed, religion, etc. to faiting for equality,
unity, freedom, honesty to yourself and others, etc... Layout is
all in black'n'white combination with just a little bit of grey,
inner side has nicely aranged lyrics and there're some band photos
as has a real old school appereance. Great stuff! I guess
I don't need to mention separately that this one is a must!?