STARS AND STRIPES - ''One man army'' CD
Genre: punkrock
Label: I Scream Records
Year: 2004
Length: 12 tracks - 33:02 min
Link: / Mp3: /
Favourite Track: ''Bored bored bored''

Glede na to, da so v tem bendu, kar trije člani iz Slapshot, vključno s pevcem Jackom Kellyem, ugibam, da imam opravka s stranskim projektom, s katerim se druščina rahlo odmika od hardcora in skuša ustvariti nekaj bolj rokersko zvenečega. No, ni ravno rock, prej punkrock srednje-hitrih tempov in grobega petja, kjer enkrat nastopijo z rokersko balado, drugič s punkerskim drvenjem. Pišejo preprosto, umirjeno in melodično glasbo s pogostimi 'Wooo-o' backvokali, ter brezvezna besedila, ki so še najbolj pisana na kožo navijaškim huliganom. Več kot polovica komadov je dolgočasnih in nezanimivih in dvomim, da bo kakšen Slapshot fan zares navdušen nad tem izdelkom. Odkrito povedano se mi zdi tale bend zguba časa, ampak vsak ima svoje veselje in vedno se najde nekdo, ki mu je stvar všeč. (16/07/2004)

English Version:
I guess this is a Slapshot's side-project since three of their members, including vocalist Jack Kelly, play part in the band. Musically they're drifting away from hardcore while heading into rock directions without losing too much punk influences. I guess I could call it midtempo punkrock with rough singing, where you can expect rock ballads as weel as driving punk songs. Songwriting is plain, calm and melodic with frequent use of 'Wooo-o' type backups and lame lyrics soccer hooligans will most cherish. More than half of material sounds boring and dull, so I'm curious how many Slapshot fans will really appreciate this one? Honestly I think it's waste of time, but let them do what they please since people usually have different tastes. (16/07/2004)