SPIDER CREW - ''A menace ta society'' CD
Genere: nyhc
: 4,5/10
Label: I Scream Records
Year: 2003
Length: 12 tracks - 34:14 min
Link: /
Mp3: ''Vienna riot''
Favourite Tracks: ''One night in jail'', ''Through the years''

Avstrijski Spider Crew s svojim prvim velikim albumom, ki so ga poimenovali kar ''grožna družbi'' ponujajo nič drugega kot 12 komadov jeznega in robustnega hardcora. Glasba je tipičen nyhc z metalnimi kitarami in drvečim ali pa še vedno energičnim upočasnjenim tempom, ter v tem primeru z dvema vokalistima, ki uporabljata kaj drugega kot grobo vpitje. Če ste kdaj poslušali Agnostic Front ali Madball boste že vedeli o čem govorim. Komadi so dobro zloženi in glasba niti ni slaba, niso pa m všeč inserti med komadi, še manj pa besedila kjer tipi zapolnijo vsako lukno z najbolj tipičnimi besedami za to zvrst ala ''unite'', ''be strong'', ''fight'' kar niti ni tako bedno če primerjam z delčkom iz ''3 b's'', ki gre nekako tako... ''Stay close to your boys they'll always be there, the bitches are temporary ya best bewere...'' Takega sranja mi res ni treba! Booklet zajema poleg tekstov še fotografije kopice jeznih in tetoviranih ljudi, glede prednje strani pa sem skorajda prepričan, da sem jo nekoč, nekje že videl ali pa je bilo vsaj nekaj podobnega. Aja, v bendu so tudi člani iz Only Attitude Counts, če vam to kaj pomeni...

English Version:
Austrian Spider Crew with their first full length titled ''A menace ta society'' deliver nothing else than 12 tracks of angry and tough hardcore. It's typical NYHC with metallic guitars sound and fast driving or still energic slown down tempo and they have two vocalists both using what else than rough shouting. If you ever tried Agnostic Front or Madball you will know what I'm talking about. Songs are good done and the music is not bad at all but I dont feel the same way about inserts they put as introduction to some songs and I dislike even more their lyrics where I get the feeling they try to fill every hole with the most common words for this style like ''unite'', ''be strong'', ''fight'' which's actually not that bad in comparison with a part from ''3 b's'' which goes like... ''Stay close to your boys they'll always be there, the bitches are temporary ya best bewere...'' I really don't need this shit! Besides the texts there's whole bunch of photos with angy and tattooed people and looking at the fron cover i'm almost certain I already saw it somewhere, or at least something similar. Maybe I'm wrong. By the way, the band contains members of Only Attitude Counts if that means anything to you...