verjamete ali ne, v svojih osmih letih tavanja po hardcore sceni
je tole moje prvo pravo srečanje s kultnimi Slapshot. (Saj vem...sramota!)
Bend z Bostona, ki igra že skoraj 20 let in je pred par tedni ponudil
čisto novi album ''Digital warfare'', ki domnevam da ni nič majn
energično nabit ali agresivno nastrojen kot komadi izpred +10ih
let. CD nosi 13 komadov drvečega old school hardcora, ki da enkrat
poudarek na agresivenosti drugič na melodičenosti, vse skupaj pa
vežejo enostavni, že mnogokrat preslišani rifi, ter občasne melodije,
celo solacije. Vse skupaj spominja na dobre stare Minor Threat,
pa še njihov hit ''Straight edge'' preigravajo povrh. Meni je stvar
vseč nekje do prve polovice zgoščenke, ki združuje tiste najbolj
fine komade, medtem ko glasba naprej nekako izgubi na moči in postane
kmalu dolgočasna. Buklet nosi namesto besedil fotografije koncertnega
veseljančenja, na prvi strani pa stoji, kot je že v navadi, hokejska
maska. Lepo je videti, da se bend kot je Slapshot po daljšem oddihu
spet rola po sceni in to...big respect!
Believe me or not, after spending 8 years in hardcore this
is my first real experience with such important hardcore band as
Slapshot. (I know, it's a shame, but that's me!) They've been around
for almost 20 years and these days released brand new album titled
''Digital warfare'', which I supposed has to offer no less energy
neither aggression than their songs from +10 years ago. ''Digital
warfare'' carry 13 songs of fast driving old school hardcore where
sometimes everyting is melodic and sing-a-longing, next time aggressive
and pissed off. Everything's done with moderate shabby riffing,
fast drumming, aggressive shouting and occasional catchy melodies
or even guitar solos. It really reminds me on Minor Threat and if
that's not enough they even play their coversong ''Straight edge''.
I like the first half of the record where all the songs are great
while the rest of the material somehow lose on its power and soon
become boring. Booklet is equiped with show photos insted of lyrics
and there's a hockey mask on the front cover just like on their
past records. I think it's really nice to see Slapshot back on the
map...big respect!