kot da je Silent Drive projekt, ki je nastal po tragičnem razpadu
(smrt bobnarja Stevena Neale, ex-Barrit) benda Ink Cartridge Funeral.
V bendu so drugače še ljudje iz Bane in Dasai, tile štirje komadi
pa so njihova prva izdaja. Ko sem si stvar prvič zavrtel ni bilo
nobene iskre, pač nič posebnega, dokler se nisem malce bolj poglobil
in z večkratnim poslušanjem spoznal, da Silent Drive niso kar tako.
Glasbo bom opisal kot emocore, ki se noče izogniti hardcore vplivom
in niti ne rahlo-metalnim izpadom in prav zaradi tega mi je bend
zanimiv. Stvar zna postati 'heavy' in to mi je vseč. Če poznate
Thursday, Further Seems Forever in podobne boste že vedli o čem
govorim. Ubistvu se vsi komadi gibajo od nežnih predelov s čudovitim
petjem k bolj agresivnejšim s kričečim vokaliranjem in pa obratno.
Skratka dokaj razgibana scena, pa še dobro narejena povrhu...škoda
le, da ne traja dolgo. Ovitek je na hitro narejen in preveč zmeden
da mi bi lahko bil vseč, besedila pa so vsa osebna in so mi kar
uredu za prebrat. Ni slabo! Upam da imajo v planih kakšno novo izdajo,
kak full-length ne bi bila slaba ideja.
Looks like this's a band that was formed out of the ashes of
Ink Cartridge Funeral after the tragic lost of their drummer Stevena
Neale (ex-Barrit). Within Silent Drive we will find guys from Bane
and Dasai and this is the e.p. that represent their first recorded
material. When I first put it in there was no spark at all, but
after a few listening I astarted to like it more and more and soon
find out this's pretty special. I will describe their music as emocore
where hardcore influences are not hidden and neither are afraid
to use slightly metallic parts. It's an emocore that can be 'heavy'
and I guess that's why I find this band interesting. If you ever
listen to Thursday, Further Seems Forever, Time in Malta and alike
you will know what I'm talking about. Actually all the songs move
from tedner moments with sweet singing into screaming and aggressive
outbursts or vice versa. All in all pretty stirred up and good done
stuff...to bad it least only 13+ min. The layout seems like it was
done in hurry and it's too confused for me to like it while the
lyrics are all personal and nice to read. Not bad. I really hope
they have future plans for the band... a full-length wouldn't be
that bed idea!