SHEER TERROR - ''Love songs for the unloved'' CD
Genre: punk/hc/metal
Label: Join the Team Player Records
Year: 2004
Length: 16 tracks - 54:37 min
Link: / Mp3: /
Favourite Track: ''Drunk! Divorced! and downhill fast!''

Tega nisem še nikomur povedal, ampak eden izmed mojih prvih nakupov z vstopom v hardcore/punk sceno sta bili zgoščenki Sick of it All - ''Scratch the surface'' in Sheer Terror - ''Thanks for nuthin''. Obeh plat sem se kmalu znebil in od takrat nisem povohal ne enega, ne drugega benda, vse do prejšnjega tedna, ko dobim v nabiralniku ''Love songs for the unloved''. Ubistvu nič novega, pač pa le ponatis njihove poslednje plate iz leta 95 + trije bonus komadi iz e.p.-ja ''Old, new, borrowed and blue'', ki je izšel kako leto prej. Glasbeno se komadi med sabo precej razlikujejo, saj gredo od drvečega, melodičnega punkrock hradcora, do počasnega in mračnega rock-metala in imaš tako ves čas občutek, kot da poslušaš dva razčlična benda. Edino kar jih veže je grd, grob in neprijazen vokal, čeprav v tistih ''stoner rock'' predelih (če se lahko tako izrazim), tudi ta postane globji in spevnejši, tako da me na koncu že spomnijo na kakšne Danzig. Približno pol plate je punkrockerske, pol metalne in nisem prepričan kateri obraz mi je bolj všeč, saj so dobri in slabi komadi na obeh straneh. Dolgočasijo zlasti pri počasnih komadih, pri hitrih pa imajo zoprn vokal, ampak drugače so pisali dobro glasbo, precej dobro, če zavrtim čas 10 let nazaj. Besedila so nesramna, sarkastična in pljunec v obraz, ampak takšno je pač drugo ime za Sheer Terror. Poleg dolgih besedil pridejo še tattoo-style slikice, ki se nanašajo na vsebino in naredijo booklet zanimiv. Kaj naj rečem, deset let nazaj bi stvar verjetno začigala, danes pa izpade nič več kot soliden izdelek. (26/04/2004)

English Version:
I never told this to anyone but when I entered hardcore/punk scene one my very first record purchase was Sick of it All - ''Scratch the surface'' and Sheer Terror - ''Thanks for nuthin''. Soon after that I got rid of both and never give a chance to any of those bands again until last week when I found ''Love songs for the unloved'' in my mailbox. Now don't be fooled, it's not a reunion record but re-release of their last album from 95' with addition of three bonus tracks taken from ''Old, new, borrowed and blue'' e.p., released one year earlier. Musicaly they pretty differ from one song to another, going from driving, melodic punkrock/hardcore to slow and gloomy rock-metal hybrid, so you have a feeling like you're dealing with two at once. The only thing that binds them is ugly, rough and unpleasant vocal but than even this cahange into deep singing when it comes to ''stoner rock'' songs. They actually remind me a bit on Danzig at some points. Half of the record is punkrock-ish, half metallic and I'm not really sure which one I prefer more since they both carry good and bad songs. Slower songs appear to be a bit boring and fast ones have quite repulsive vocal, but otherwise they used to write good songs, very good if I turn the time 10 years backward. Lyrics are rude, sarcastic and a spit in your face but that's a second name for Sheer Terror. Besides the lyrics they put tattoo-style pictures going well with contents and making booklet interesting. What can I say, ten years ago this would probably kick ass but today it's nothning more than a solid record. (26/04/2004)