SCALPING SCREEN - ''13 revolting strains'' CD
Genere: metalcore
: 7,2/10
Label: Godschild Music
Year: 2003
Length: 13 tracks - 31:37 min
Link: Scalping Screen
Mp3: ''Murder of honour''
Favourite Track: ''Hypocrite''

Scapling Screen prihajajo iz finske in igrajo metaliziran hardcore, ki sprva deluje kot kak tough-guy hardcore (predvsem zaradi močnega vpitja vokalita), ampak pozneje preraste v vse bolj metalske tone tako da, na koncu že zvenijo kot Pantera, kakšni hitro kosi pa celo spominjajo na The Haunted. Stvar nikakor ni slaba! Kitarist obvlada hitro žagancijo in istočasno pljuva dobre čeprav že malce zlizane rife, medtem ko bobnar klesti in sploh odlično poskrbi za barvitost tempa. Hitro bobnanje totalno seka in mi je vseč, da ga pogosto uporablja, kar tudi pripelje do prevlade hitrih komadov. Besedila so polna besa in želje po maščevanju, kjer enkrat bereš o tolpah, streljanju, obračunih in podobnem gangsterskem sranju drugič pa o dragocenosti življenja, pohlepnosti cerkve, nasilju v družini, policajih, itd. Zapisana so preprosto in vsako ponuja neko sporočilo. Prednja stran ovitka se na daleč morda zdi ok, ko pa pogledaš od blizu se izkaže za poceni zmazek, ki deluje kot da ni bilo ideje kaj vložiti na prednjo stran. Vseeno, dober izdelek za bend, ki obstaja komaj kako leto!

English Version:
Scalping Screen is a young metalcore act from Finland which at first works like some tough-guy hardcore (I believe that's because of the strong vocal shouting) but than later on turns out to be more and more havier, with more metal riffing so thay start reminiscent me on bands like Pantera or even The Haunted when it comes to some specific faster parts. It's definitely not bad! The guitarits is fast ans spits good yet a bit shabby riffs while the drummr destroys and knows how to handle with tempo changes. I really like his fast drumming and he's using it quite frequently so there's a faster song domination on this one. Lyrics are vengence-thirsty and full of rage where sometimes you read about crews, shooting, fights and similar gangsta crap and next time about preciousness of life, greediness of organized religion, violence in family, cops and so on. It's all simply written and there's always a message. Front cover may be ok if you look at it from a distance but when you take it in your hands it's a sceap daub where you get a feeling they didn't know what to put there. Anyway, apart from the layout and some lyrics it's a good stuff especially if you consider they're together only a year or so.