rokah držim celotno diskografijo še enega all-star hardcore benda,
ki je prekmalu zaključil svojo pot. Ruination so sestavljajli osebki
iz The Sworm, Left For Death, Charles Bronson, Los Crudos, Bloodpact,
itd. za izražanje svojega besa nad družbo pa so uporabili udarno
punk/thrash/hardcore podlago, kjer seveda ni mankalo hitrosti. Vokalista
sem občudoval že pri Left For Death in The Sworm in sem prav vsel,
da spet slišim njegovo besno dretje. Ubistvu je tudi glasba na trenutke
prav Left For Death-ovska z razliko, da so Ruination manj metalski
in več melodični. Zlasti komadi iz kompilacij ''Seven deadly sins''
(kjer igrajo tudi priredbo od Freeze) in ''Short, fast + laud! Vol.
1'' so še posebej prijetno melodični. Tu je še komad iz Inside Front
#13 kompilacije, potem 8 komadov iz diy e.p.-ja, trije iz split
7'' z They Live, naslednjih 3 iz e.p.-ja ''Dead horse'' in pa še
17 live komadov iz leta 2001. Izdani komadi mi bolj ali manj vsi
zažigajo, razen tistih iz ''Dead horse'' 7inča, ki se mi glasbeno
ne zdijo nič posebnega, kar pa se tiče live posnetkov verjamem,
da bi bilo ravno tako dobro tudi če jih zgoščenka ne bi vsebovala.
Če bi bil deležen tega koncerta, bi posnetki že imeli kako vrednost
ampak tako nimam nobene volje še enkrat poslušat komade, ki sem
jih v večini slišal že prej na CD-ju. Ovitek je ves črnobel in nima
nič kar bi padlo v oči, pač teksti, kratek info, zatemljena fotka
iz koncerta, ter razbit avtomobil na prednji strani, medtem ko so
besedila zanimiva za prebrat in imajo v večini družbeno-kritično
ali včasih osebno vsebino. Cool bend! Škoda da jih ni več, čeprav
sem prepričan, da imajo do sedaj že cel kup novih projektov.
Here I'm holding discohraphy CD of another all-star hardcore band
that too quickly ended their journey. Ruination were founded by
guys from The Sworm, Left For Death, Charles Bronson, Los Crudos,
Bloodpact, etc. and they were using fast, striking punk/thrash/hardcore
music to express their anger towards society. I admired Chris Colohan's
voice already in Left For death and The Sworm and I'm glad to hear
him again. His pissed off shouting fucking rules! Actually they
occasionally sound pretty close to Left For Death with exception
that Riunation excluded metal and put there some melodic parts instead.
Especially the songs form compilations such as ''Seven deadly sins''
and ''Short, fast + laud! Vol. 1'' sound pleasantly melodic. Besides
that we have here a song from Inside Front #13 compilation, 8 songs
from diy e.p., 3 for split 7'' with They Live, onother 3 form ''Dead
horse'' e.p. and 17 live tracks from some show in 2001. I like more
or less all the released songs except for the ''Dead horse'' which
musically I don't find enough attractive and as it concern live
recorded songs I believe it would be just as good if they weren't
included. I mean, this songs would mean something to me I were a
part of this show but I wasn't and so I have no will to listen again
the songs which most of them I already heard before on CD. The layout
is all black'n'white and has nothing eye-catching, just texts, short
infos, dimmed show photo and some crushed car on the front cover,
while the lyrics are interesting to read and deal mainly with societay
or sometimes personal issues. Cool band! Too bad they're gone, though
I'm sure they're already involved in whole buch of other projects
by now.