POINT OF RECOGNITION - ''Day of defeat'' CD
Genere: metalcore
: 4/10
Label: Guideline Records
Year: 2002
Length: 11 tracks - 31:53 min
Link: Point of Recognition
Mp3: ''My first day''
Favourite Tracks: ''Day of defeat''

Point of Recognition prihajajo iz zda, igrajo tough-guy metalcore in so povrh vsega še kristjani. Kaj naj rečem, nič kaj takega česar bi se razveselil pa še stil glasba mi ni najljubši in imam občutek, da se moja, že tako majhna naklonjenost do benda z vsakim poslušanjem še bolj zmanjšuje. Gre za besen in malce primitiven metaliziran hardcore, ki te v svojih 30ih minutah zbombandira z jezno žagancijo, dvojnim pedaliranjem, ter močnim vipitjem z občasnim gang vokaliranjem. Tempo se skozi komade dobro izmenjava iz dobrega hitrega šopanja na počasen še bolj udaren tempo za moshanje, ter obratno. Kakim Hatebreed, All Out War fanom bi bilo zagotovo vseč. Besedila govorijo o prijateljstvu, nepravičnem in ignorantskem svetu, veri v boga, zloraba otrok, smrti bližnjega, itd. ter so zapisana preprosto, dve od njih pa imata celo krajši razlagi od katerih zaključek ene še posebej bode v oko... ''...if you are a victim, know that there's a god who loves you and that it's not your fault, and he wants to offer healing for your pain and struggles, if you simply ask him for the help.'' Hmm, ne vem koliko bi bil jaz zadovoljen s takšno talažbo v primeru kakeršnegakoli nasilja? Na celotni plati mi je še najbolj vseč ilustriranost ovitka, ki predstavlja nekakšno bitko med peklom in nebesi, vse obarvano z lepimi barvami, itd. Kot sem že prej rekel, Hatebreed, All Out War fani bodo zadovoljeni, drugi pa bodo morda očarani le nad ovitkom.

English Version:
These guys are coming from usa, play tough-guy metalcore and besides that they are a christian band. What can I say, nothing I would be delighted with and neither their style is my thing. Sometimes I get a feeling like they lose my already small excitement for them with each another listening. Music is enraged and in my opinion a bit primitive metallic hardcore that bombs you for more than 30 min with wrathfull riffing, double-pedaling and strong shouting with occasional gang choruses. They succeed in tempo-changes pretty well driving from good fast drumming to slower, needless to say heavier mosh parts and vice versa. I think fans of Hatebreed, All Out War and such would be pleased. Lyrics deal with friendship, unfair and ignorat world, faite in god, child abuse, death in family and so on, everything writen simply yet two of them include short explanations. Explanation's bottom line for ''Subverting the innocent'' is pretty eye-striking and goes like ''...if you are a victim, know that there's a god who loves you and that it's not your fault, and he wants to offer healing for your pain and struggles, if you simply ask him for the help.'' Hmm, I'm not sure I would be pleased with that sort of solace in case of any kind of abuse? Picking the whole album I can say illustrated layout is my favourite, showing some kind of battle between hell and heaven all painted with nice colour schemes and all. Nice! Like I said before, Hatebreed, All Out War, etc. fans will be pleased, others might enjoy just the layout.