Genre: post-rock
Label: Robotradio Records
Year: 2004
Length: 7 tracks - 22:19 min
Link: The Paper Chase I Red Worm's Farm Mp3: /
Favourite Track: ''Jelly Bean'' (Red Worm's Farm)

Tale split je prvi korak novo-pečene italijanske založbe Robotradio Records, ki je nastala z idejo izdelati serijo zgoščenk, kjer bi sodelovala po en domač in en tuj bend in v katerih bi skušali združiti ne samo glasbo, pač pa tudi video in strip-art. To jim je tudi supelo. Stvar pride v stripovsko poslikanem digipack ovitku, ki nosi znotraj za vsak bend par komadov in video spot. Stvar odpre trio Red Worm's Farm iz Padove in že takoj odigrajo največji hit te zgoščenke, ''Jelly Bean''. Gre za nekakšen post-rock z močnimi basi, ostrim praskanjem kitare in dobrim petjem, kar deluje nekako tako kot Fugazi in pade hitro v uho. Naprej odigrajo še komadič ''Pop song'' bolj v Sonic Youth stilu, lep inštrumentalec ''Fav'' in za konec še remix hita te zgoščenke ''Jelly Bean''. Komad je dober in tega mu ne more pokvariti niti elektronska preobleka. Američane The Paper Chase, bi lahko tudi označil za post-rock, čeprav v skrajno čudaški različici. Poleg klasičnih inštrumentov imajo še sintič in en kup efektov, kar še dodatno podkrepi neskladnost in neprebavljivost glasbe. Komad ''I'm your dosctor now'' je s svojimi nenavadnimi efekti kar zanimiv, medtem ko je ''Isn't she something?'' en sam napor. Tudi oni pustijo za na konec remix in sicer za komad ''Out comes the knives'', ki je v akustični različici odigran dolgočasno in zaspano. Besedil ni, video spoti pa so zelo preprosti in nič kaj prida. V video sekciji zmagajo The Paper Chase, drugače pa so mi Red Worm's Farm skozi celotno zgoščenko dosti boljši. Sicer malce kratko vse skupaj in pogrešam besedila, ampak drugače mi je všeč kar delajo na RobotRadio. Tega bi vsekakor moralo biti več! (25/08/2004)

English Version:
First output for the italian label Robotradio Records that came to an idea of puting out series of split CDs, which would not only include music but also video and comic art. This time around they pick some previously unreleased/released songs by american band The Paper Chase and italian Red Worm's Farm, made a video and remix song for both and all together wrapt into a nice digipack decorated by comic designer. Red Worm's Farm start thing out with a great post-rock song ''Jelly Bean'' using strong bass, sharp scratching guitar, interesting drumming and cool singing. It could be compared to Fugazi and it's definitely the best song herein. With ''Pop song'' they go into more Sonic Youth directions, ''Fev'' is instrumental and here's again ''Jelly Bean'', this time as remixed version. What can I say? The song is good and even the electronic coat can't change that. Also The Paper Chease could be described as post-rock, though their music goes into far more weird and exploring direction. Beside common instruments they're using keyboard and whole bunch of semples, which make everything even more disharmonious and hard to swallow. Their first song ''I'm your dosctor now'' works pretty interesting with all this unusual sample arrangement, but than ''Isn't she something?'' is totally unbearable. Their remix song for ''Out comes the knives'' is played acoustic, but done really boring and sleepy. Really not my cup of tea. There's no sign of lyrics while videos are very plain and nothing special. All in all, pretty short record, but I see the whole concept as a great idea and I really wish other labels would try something similar sometimes! (25/08/2004)