sem namestil tole zgoščenko v player sem bil najprej malo v strahu,
da me čaka kak brutalen tough guy hardcore, za kar je bil verjetno
kriv resnoben izgled ovitka in kratice nyhc, ki ležijo pod logo-m
benda. K sreči je šlo le za napačen prvi vtis. Stvar je ubistvu
bolj zanimiva, kot bi človek pričakoval. Gre namreč za old school
hc oz. nyhc kot so ga igrali pred leti Warzone, Cause for Alarm
in vsi tisti newyorški old school bendi, kar pomeni drveč in spevn
hardcore poln sing along-ov in prijaznih, v melodočnost se nagibajočih
rifov. Sicer ne morem trditi, da so On the Rise glasbeno najbolj
originalen bend, ampak imajo skozi komade dosti pristnih kitarskih
melodij, celo nekaj solacij in v ozadju se sliši suh kitarski zvok,
ki daje skladbam nekaj originalnosti in še več melodičnosti, ter
topline. Tu pa tam, za trenutek narahlo spominjajo na Shalter, predvsem
vpitje in ton, ki ga uporablja vokalist. Kar se tiče besedil, so
tipicna za njihov stil glasbe...v veliki miri govorijo o prijateljstvu
in njegovem pravem pomenu, imajopa tudi trenutke, kjer nastopijo
osebni, socialni in politični problemi. Vsa besedila se rimajo,
kar pa mi je posebej vseč je prisotna toplina in iskrenost, ki jo
teksti izžarevajo. Vsekakor dobra, solidna plata...ko bi jo le imel
par let nazaj. Aja, posadka združuje med drugimi tudi člane iz Agnostic
Front in Maximum Penality.
Before I placed this disc into the player I got a little scared
it might be some brutal tough guy hardcore for which I now blame
their grave layout appearance and the nyhc abbreviation below the
band's logo. Fortunately it was just my false impression. This's
actually more interesting than one could expect. It's old school
hardcore or I should said nyhc similar to Warzone, Cause for Alarm
and all the rest of the New York based old hc bands they used to
play in their years of popularity. That means fast paced sing alonging
hardcore with nice riffs leaning into melodiousness. However, I
can't say On the Rise are musically the most original band outhere,
but they have planty of chatchy melodies throughout the songs, even
some guitar solos and one guitar has a clean sound that supplies
with extra melodiousness and warmth, plus makes them sound unlike
other bands of their type. From time to time they just a little
remind me on Shelter, especially the shouting tone their singer
uses. As it concern lyrics, they're typical for the style...dealing
largely with the friendship and the big meaning of it, but they
have also moments, where you came across personal, social or political
issues. They all rhymes, but what I like about them is the feel
of wormth and sincerity this lyrics posses and radiate. At any rate
a good solid peace of work...I wish I had this a few years ago!
Uff, I almost forgot mentioning On the Rise contain some Agnostic
Front and Maximum Penality members.