ONCE TASTED LIFE - ''Fallow fields of hope'' MCD
Genere: poppy emo-rock
: 7,3/10
Label: Noise Appeal Records
Year: 2003
Length: 6 tracks - 18:55 min
Link: Once Tasted Life
Mp3: ''Anthem to my idols''
Favourite Track: ''My blackest song''

Once Tasted Life je bend iz Avstrije, ki združuje ljudi iz ex-Sick of Silence, ex-True Illusion in Pledge Alliance, ter je nastal z željo igrati milejšo emo-pop-rock glasbo. Presenetili so me že s svojim prvim komadom ''My blackest song'', ki je naravnost čudovit, v celoti akustičen in zveni kot kak hit skupine R.E.M. Brez zajebancije, Chris (vokalist) ima precej sličen vokal tistemu iz R.E.M., kar mi je seveda vseč glede na to, da so mi bili R.E.M. vedno uredu bend. Kasneje se poskusijo z akustiko še v komadih ''The night we spent dumpster diving'' in pa v ''Brother of sleep'', drugače pa se glasba spremeni v malce bolj tipičen emocore (čeprav ne preneha spominjati na R.E.M.), kjer se včasih začuti rahlo naklonjenost punkrocku. Glasbo krasijo še piano, violina in ženski glas, kar pripelje do rezultata čudovite in umirjene glasbe...''vsaj enkrat nekaj normalnega'' je rekla mama ko sem ji podal slušalke. K lepi glasbi gredo še lepa besedila, ki so mi precej vseč in bi lahko rekel da nekako opisujejo njihove prigode z večnim okusom grenkobe. ''...i'm afraid answering the phote why is it i pretend i'm better off alone and i call it freedom but in fact i run away from all the past that's coming after me 'cause i kept trying to find that smile on your face - the last time we met i was looking at a stranger like we had never met before i was searching for a ghost.'' Ni kaj, lep izdelek, ki povrh pride še v lepem ovitku. Lepo!

English Version:
This young Austrian band was formed by ex-Sick of Silence, ex-True Illusion and Pledge Alliance members and this time they had in their minds something tender and beautiful, something described as poppy emo-rock music. A second after I popped this in I was already surprised by first song ''My blackest song'' which is a total beauty, done entirely acoustic and sounds like some R.E.M. hit. I'm not kidding, Chirs (vocalist) has a voice that's very close to one's from R.E.M. and of course I like it since I always considered R.E.M. as a great band. Later they do again the acoustic thing with ''The night we spent dumpster diving'' and ''Brother of sleep'' but otherwise their music change into a bit more typical emocore directions where you can taste some punkrock favour, though they never stop remind me on R.E.M. To make music even more interesting they added in also some piano, violin and female singing and the reusult is like I said before - beautiful and tender music…''at least once something normal'' said my mum after I handed her the headphones. Besides beautiful songwriting they can write also beautiful lyrics which I really like and could say they are dealing with their everyday life and situations where bitter taste never ends. . ''...i'm afraid answering the phote why is it i pretend i'm better off alone and i call it freedom but in fact i run away from all the past that's coming after me 'cause i kept trying to find that smile on your face - the last time we met i was looking at a stranger like we had never met before i was searching for a ghost.'' What can I say, nice record and it comes in nice package too! Beautiful!