THE NOW DENIAL - ''Truth is on fire'' LP
Genere: punk/hardcore
: 7,8/10
Label: Scorched Earth Policy
Year: 2002
Length: 13 tracks - approximately 21:00 min
Link: /
Mp3: ''I don't care about friendly cops''
Favourite Tracks: ''The shady business of using potential'', ''Foundation'', ''Life's no picnic'', ''Elbowed out'',....

Za nabavo te plate sem se odločil predvsem iz dveh razlogov. Prvič, komad, ki sem si ga potegnil iz neta je močno spominjal na moje favorite The Black Hand in drugič, fantje si delijo 7'' z veterani Seein'Red po čemer sem sklepal, da moraj biti tudi The Now Denial politicno angažiran bend. In sploh so redke izdaje na Scorched Earth Policy, ki si jih nebi želel imeti v svoji kolekciji, The Now Denial niso izjema. Ovitek plate sicer ni najbolj prepričljiv, precej minimalen in nezanimiv, ampak naj vas to ne zavede kajti noter je tisto kamor je šel ves trud. Tipi igrajo udaren punk/hardcore z izrazito energičnim drvečim bobnanjem, kjer redkokdaj nastopijo grind trenutki (''Stereotype individuality'', ''Philosophy behind'') pogosteje pa močni in silovoti počasnejši predeli, ki delajo plato tako imenitno. V ozadju je skorajda vedno na rahlo prisotna kakšna kitarska melodija, vokal pa je grobo kričeč in ga le v zelo redkih primerih zamenja govorjenje. Meni je stvar precej zanimiva, ampak nekakoma ne more doseči energije, ki si jo lastijo bolj znana imena te zvrsti (From Ashes Rise, The Black Hand, Tragedy...), čeprav ne zaostajajo dosti. Vsako besedilo posebej je čudovito in nosi politično ali socialno-kritično sporočilo. Napisana so na inteligenten način, vendar so lepo razumljiva in gredo naravnost k stvari. The Now Denial imam v očeh kot obetaven bend in imam občutek da bomo o njih v prihodnosti še veliko slišali. Še eden med dologo listo bendov, ki si jih želim ogledat v živo! ''Come see us standing on this wide field with our eyes open shine full of passion come and scream with us fists in the air our hearts beat the rhythm of a revolution there will be no thought about the past there will be no time to feel regrets for once more we will get to know traditions are made to break them down''.

English Version:
There're two reasons why I picked this up. Firstly, the song I downloaded from the internet kind of reminded me on my favourites The Black Hand and secondly, these guys are sharing a split 7'' with veterans Seein'Red which made me presumed they might be a politically engaged band aswell. And if we take a look at what's coming out on German's Scorcehd Earth Policy these days, I can say there're rare, if any releases I wouldn't like to have in my record collection. Now Denial are no exception! It's true that minimal and tedious lay-out is not the most convincing thing but don't be misleaded casue it's inside where all the effort's gone. Their weapon is striking hardcore/punk with fast drumming that in some rare occasion even lean into grind (''Stereotype individuality'', ''Philosophy behind'') but more often crush with hard hitting slower passages that make this record so excellent. There're always some forceful guitar melodies present in the background and the vocal is rough screaming with some rare spoken words. Great stuff! Unfortuantelly they somehow can't catch the energy that more known names of this genre usually possess (think From Ashes Rise, The Black Hand, Tragedy,...), though they're not that far behind. Every sigle lyric deals with political or socially-critical issues and I really enjoy going through them! They're written itelligently yet easy to uderstand and straight to the point. I see New Denial as a very promising band and I bet we will here a lot about them in the future. Another band I'd love to see playing live someday! ! ''Come see us standing on this wide field with our eyes open shine full of passion come and scream with us fists in the air our hearts beat the rhythm of a revolution there will be no thought about the past there will be no time to feel regrets for once more we will get to know traditions are made to break them down''.