začnem razmišljati o old school hardcore bendih, ki sem jih pred
leti dal skozi se mi začnejo v spomin usipati razna imena iz vse
povsod, ampak ko pridem do Francije se stvar nekako ustavi. No,
zdaj lahko rečem da poznam No Time To Lose. Njihova glasba je hiter
in energičen hardcore stare šole ali kot ga sami imenujejo ''Free-edge
hardcore'' (ne vem točno kaj so mislili s to oznako?) kjer boste
našli melodičnost, dosti singalong partov, poskočne predele, rahlo
punkrock nagnjenost (igranje kitarista) in pa vpitje vokalista,
ki ga v komadu ''Girsl (just want to have guns)'' zamenja besna
vokalistka. Hey, tu pa tam preseneti celo kak predel komada kjer
se sliši igranje violine, kar je seveda zelo netipično za old school
hc bende, ampak mi je prav zaradi tega toliko bolj vseč. Če bi jih
že moral s kom primerjati bi rekel da zvenijo kot zmes med Building
in Unconform. Z besedili pokrivajo različne teme kot so korupcija
znotraj religije, odtujenost moderne družbe, zatiranje žensk, hardcore
scena, boj za lepši jutri, današnja fake-demokracija, itd. Na nasprotni
strani z besedili so še teksti, ki delujejo kot razlage besedil
a so nažalost napisane le v francoščini in jih tako ne razumem.
CD-R pride v doma narejenem kartonastem ovitku, ki v rdeče-črnih
barvah prikazuje množico ljudi ali nekaj v tem stilu. Dobro opravljeno!
Komadi zaenkrat še nimajo kakih hudih rifov, ki bi ostali v spominu
in glasba na trenutke deluje pusto ter dolgočasi ampak drugače je
''Join the party'' soliden izdelek, ki daje vedeti, da je v bendu
When I start thinking about old school hardcore bands I checked
out in the past years many names from all around the world pop into
my head but when it comes to France I can't remember any. Well,
now I can say I know No Time To Lose. Their music is fast and energic
old style hardcore or like they name it ''Free-edge hardcore'' (I'm
not really sure what they ment with this one?) where you will find
melodiousness, frequent singalong parts, frisky moments, a sligt
proning to punkrock (guitar playing) and shouting vocalist who's
replaced by a furious female yelling when it comes to a song called
''Girls (just want to have guns)''. Hey, I can even hear some rare
violin moments, which is really unusual for the style but that's
why I like it even more. If had to compare their music with another
band I would say they sound close to a blend of Building and Unconform.
Their lyrics cover various issues like corruption within religion,
alienation of modern society, women oppression, hardcore scene,
todays fake-democracy, fighting for a better tomorrow and so on.
Behind the lyrics sheet there are some texts I believe they are
explenations of the songs but unfortunately it's all writen in french
so I don't understand much. CD-R comes in a homemade slipcase all
in black'n'red colours (except for the band's logo) showing a crowd
of people or something. Well done. I still miss memorable riffing
and the music itself sounds pretty flat and a bit boring sometimes
but otherwise it's a solid record showing there's a potential in
this band.