NO MORE FEAR - ''One thing we'll share'' CD-R
Genre: old school hardcore
Label: Circe Pit Records I Goodwill Records I Lucifers Legions Records
Year: 2004
Length: 4 tracks - 6:56 min
Link: No More Fear Mp3: ''Spare a life''
Favourite Track: ''Spare a life''

Tale promo predstavlja material, ki je pred kratkim izšel na vinilni različici v sodelovanju s tremi malimi založbami Circe Pit Records, Goodwill Records in Lucifers Legions Records. Fantje prihajajo iz Milana in tako kot njihovi sosedje Fumbles in Life, tudi oni preigravajo old school hardcore. Energična, melodična in udarna glasba, ki takoj oživi spomine na stare e čase in dokazuje, da dobri stari hardcore še zdaleč ni mrtev. No mogoče pa je, glede na to, da zlizane rife preprosto vzamejo iz grobnice, le teh pa se niti ne trudijo pretirano predelati. Pač še eden fix za fane starega hardcora. Meni kar paše, saj imajo komadi vse tisto, kar je potrebno za dober old school (razen originalnosti), le malce daljše bi lahko bilo, čeprav od 7inča niti ne moreš kaj več pričakovati. Teksti so preprosti, začetniški, govorijo o tipičnih temah za stil in so daleč od tega, da bi jih hvalil. Glasbeno so cool, spominja na Rainforce, Atari, In My Eyes in podobne, v oddelku za besedila pa bo vsekakor treba še marsikaj postoriti, če hočejo kdaj postati kaj več od le še enega fixa. (25/05/2004)

English Version:
This promo brings four songs which latelly appeared on a 7'' released in collaboration of three small labels Circe Pit Records, Goodwill Records and Lucifers Legions Records. They come from Milano and like their neighbours Fumbls in Life they're commited to old fashion hardcore. Energic, melodic and striking music that brings back the old days and prove old school hardcora is still alive. But I might be also wrong here since all this sound to me like they took these shabby riffs right out of the grave and not really gave much effort in trying to reshape them. One would say it's just another tune for the fans of youth crew hc. Anyway, I still like it since their songs possess everything that a good old school hardcore should (except for the originality) so it kind of sucks the whole thing least only 7 min, but what else can you expect when you're dealing with a 7''? Lyrics are plain, juvenile and not really my favourite, talking about typical issues fot the genre. So, the music is cool, but if they ever want to be something more than just another tune, than they will first have to do some extra homework in the lyrics department. (25/05/2004)