NITRO MEGA PRAYER - ''The reason of hers smile'' CD
Genre: chaotic hardcore
Label: Godschild Music
Year: 2003
Length: 9 tracks - 33:16 min
Link: Nitro Mega Prayer Mp3: ''Arch''
Favourite Track: ''Arch''

Abstraktne poslikave ovitkov v črno-rdečih barvah so se mi zdele vedo čudovite in predna stran na tem albumu ni nobena izjema. Bend prihaja iz Japonske in ponuja 8 komadov kaotičnega in emocionalnega hardcora z ostro kričečim/visokim vpitjem vokalista, ki bi lahko bil tudi vokalistka. Nisem prepričan. Glasba valovi iz drvečih v počasne trenutke in neprestano pljuva kitarske melodije, ki se prepletajo z izstopajočimi bas linijami. Vse skupaj spominja na Envy ali kak french style scream-emo hardcore bend. Včasih so poskočni in melodični večinoma pa delujejo precej melanholično in obupano. Besedila so osebna, in po svoje zanimiva/drugačna, ampak mislim da bi bilo pametno če bi jim nekdo z bolšim znanjem angleščine šel skozi angleške prevode, preden so jih dali v booklet. Za konec zaigrajo še NOFX priredbo, ki pa zveni kot še eden od njihov komadiv, kar je dobro. ''The reason of hers smile'' je njihov prvi abum in ni slabo, čeparv se bodo morali še krepko bolj ptruditi, da mi bodo nekega dne zares vseč.

English Version:
I always admired abstract painting with black'n'red colours and the front cover of this record is no exception. Very nice! Nitro Mega Prayer are from Japan and they offer 8 tracks of chaotic yet emotional hardcore with sharp screaming/high pitched shouting vocalist, that could also be a female. I'm not that sure here. Music waves from fast driving into slown down tempos with constant guitars melody outbursts fighting with emphasized bass lines. Reminds me of Envy or some french style scream-emo hardcore band. Sometimes they do it frisky and melodic but most of the time it's melanholic and desperate music. Lyrics are personal, pretty interesting and different, but I think next time they should should ask somebody to check their english translations before they put them into the booklet. They also have a NOFX cover song here but it sounds like another one of their own, which is good. ''The reason of hers smile'' is their debut record and it's definitely not a bad start but they still have lots of work to do before I really like them.