MY NAME IS SATAN - ''Refuse to kneel'' CD
Mark: 7,2/10
Label: Enslaved Records
Year: 1999
Length: 10 komadov - 31:47 min
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Tole zgoščenko mi je priporočal kolega z opisom, da zveni kot metal verzija His Hero is Gone, pa še ime benda je bilo dovolj zanimivo, tako da sem si stvar kar nabavil. Sedaj ko to poslušam glasba res zveni temačno in metalno, ampak vse skupaj prej spominja na Catharsis in to ne samo glasba ampak tudi besedila in celo izgled bookleta. Ne me razumet narobe, My Name is Satan niso kopija Catharsis, pač pa gre le za podobnost, ki je po vsej verjetnosti le stvar naključja. Glasba, ki jo igrajo je melaholičen in temačen hardcore z metal vplivi in deluje kot nekakšna mešanica francoskega in švedskega hardcora. Glasba je tako hitra kot tudi počasna, vendar pa ima nažalost dosti enostavno in tradicionalno zvenečih rifov, ki ne bi mogeli biti bolj običajni...k sreči, pa so tu tudi bolj zanimivejši in odličnejši predeli komadov ob katerih hitro pozabim na prej omenjeno slabost! Vokal je hrapavo kričeč in spominja na Braina iz Catharsis. Teksti so inteligentni, premišljeno zapisani in vsebujejo kratke razlage. Ubadajo se s kritiziranjem družbe, ter na veliko povdarjajo religijo, krščanstvo in vso korupcijo, ki se skriva za vsem tem. Celotna zgošcenka deluje kot nekakšen ateistični manifest. V bookletu nikjer ne najdem naslova benda, tako da niti ne vem iz kje prihajajo, vendar mislim da My Name is Satan ne obstajajo več. Škoda! ''State endorsed conception of normality. Medical orthodoxy as instrument of suppression. Medication as exorcism of the unwanted. The witch hunt continues''

English Version:
My friend recommended me this release saying they sound like a metal version of His Hero is Gone. I thought it can't be bad and the name of the band was also quite interesting so I picked it up. Now I'm listening to this and it really sounds dark and metallic, but I'd say they're more similarities to Catharsis and I'm not talking just about the music, but also about the lyrics and even the lay-out. Don't get me wrong! My Name is Satan are not another Catharsis copy, there're just some simularities which I think are nothing else than a coincidence. The music they play is melancholic and dark hardcore with metal influences which works like some mixture of french and swedish hardcore. It's slow and fast music at the same time, but unfortunately they have planty of simple and traditional riffs which couldn't be done more common. Luckly there're also some interesting and excellent regions of the songs which make me forget about before mentioned weakness! Vocal is rough screaming and reminds me on Brain from Catharsis. Lyrics are intelligent, writen thoughtfully and include short explanations. They're dealing with criticism of society and they're strongly stressing the religion, christianity and all the coruption behind. Very interesting reading! The whole booklet works as some kind of atheistic manifest. I can't found their address or any other infos of the band, but I thing they're no longer existing. Too bad! ''State endorsed conception of normality. Medical orthodoxy as instrument of suppression. Medication as exorcism of the unwanted. The witch hunt continues''