Precious Blood prihajajo iz zda in so bili prej poznani pod imenom
Indecision - ime za katero sem slišal velikokrat ampak jih nikoli
imel priložnost poslušati, tako da nimam pojma ali je prišlo le
do spremembe imena, ali pa je spremenjen tudi stil igranja. Glasba,
ki jo ustvarjajo Most Precious Blood spominja na new school hardcore
bende, ki so se pogosto pojavljali par let nazaj in so do danes
skorajda izginili...govorim o depresivno zveneči glasbi, s tradicionalnimi
hardcore rifi, ne preveč metalnimi vplivi, mid-tempo in drvečimi
ritmi, ter ostro kričečim vokalom. Spominja na nekakšno hardcore
mešanico švedskega in ameriškega hardcora izpred par let. Najboljši
komad je ''The Knot'', energičen old school zveneč komad, ki me
močno spominja na bend, ki sem ga poslušal pred leti vendar si nikakor
ne morem priklicati njihovega imena v spomin...mogoče Trial ali
pa Integrity? Vsec pa mi je tudi melodicen sing-along del v ''Apparition'',
ki ima cool bass melodije in spominja na Hot Water Music. Besedila
so polna frustacij in prizadetih čustev in me tako tema, kot tudi
stil pisanja niti malo ne privlači. Podobno mnenje imam tudi o ovitku,
ki je za moj okus preveč pust. ''Love is stronger than Death''
Most Precious blood are coming from usa and they were known before
as Indecision - a name I heard of many times, but never actually
had a chance hearing their music, so I have no idea if it there's
difference only in band's name or also in their music style. The
music they're playing reminds me on new school hardcore bands which
were popuilar in hardcore scene a few years ago, but almos disappeared
to the date...I'm talking about depressive sounding music with traditional
hardcore riffs, not too huge metal influences, mid-tempo to driving
rhythms and sharp screaming vocal. Sounds like a mixture of swedish
and american hardcore from before a few years ago. My favourite
song is ''The Knot'', energic old school sounding track which reminds
me a lot on a band I used to listen but I can't remember the name
of...maybe Trial or Integrity? I like also melodic sing-alonging
part in ''Apperition'', which has nice bass lines in the vein of
Hot Water Music. Lyrics are full of frustrations and hurted feelings
and I must say I'm not so fascinated by the theme, neither by their
writing style. The same goes for the lay-out, which is the same
like lyrics too desolate for my taste. ''Love is stronger than