BEFORE - ''The new romantics'' MCD
have to say that this nice CD embellished me a day. Seriously! I got
a feeling that I'm not writing all this reviews just for myself, but
there are some persons actually noticed and reading my reviews. Thank
you Matthias for being a first person that gave me something to review!
Ok. Let's change the theme now. It's hard to believe Morning Before
are coming from Germany cause most of the bands I know from over there
sounds much, much…. different. This is much more softer, much more
reassuring music. It is a perfect music for cold morning, when you
are drinking a cup of tea, clearing up your mind and watching the
sunrise. Really tender emo rock which from time to time leaps also
in some more punky rhythms, but no screaming this time - just beautiful
female singing. I can't say this is something original, but it's certainly
well done. The lyrics are personal and written in a pretty simple
style. For all of you who know how to enjoy winter mornings!
www.strangefruit.de www.morningbefore.de |