MASTODON - ''Remission'' CD
Genere: rockin'chaos metal
: 8/10
Label: Relapse Records
Year: 2002
Length: 11 tracks - 50:25 min
Link: Mastodon
Mp3: March of the fire ants
Favourite Tracks: ''March of the fire ants'', ''Where strides the behemoth'', ''Ol'e nessie'', ''Trilobite'', ''Mother puncher'', ''Elephant man'',...

Mastodon. Zame sveža ameriška zasedba, ki naj bi nastala približno 4 leta nazaj in jo baje združujejo nekateri ex-Today is the Day člani. Ko opazite ime založbe na kateri je zgoščenka izdana verjetno najprej pomislite na extreme grind norijo po kateri je založba Relapse Records poznana, ampak naj vas že v naprej opozorim, da gre tale album v drugačen predal in to v tistega, kjer se meša ekstremen hardcore in metal kot npr. Neurosis, Coalecse, Burnt by the Sun, Today is the Day in podobna imena doma na Relaspe Records. Album se odpre s koamdom imenovanim ''Crusher Destroyer'' in prav takšno oznako, bi jaz pripisal njihovi glasbi. Gre za komplekseno metal-rock'n'roll eksperimetiranje s težkimi rifi in temačnim okusom. Bend sestavljajo štirje osebki in vsak izmed njih popolnoma obvlada svojo vlogo v bendu...od tega pride najbolj do izraza kitarske zapletene melodije in nepredvidljivi prijemi, ki jih nikoli ne zmanjka in pa bobnar, ki totalno zakomplicira vsak trenutek, ki se mu ponudi. Vokal je hrapavo kričeč in mi ni ravno najbolj simpatičen, ampak se da navadit nanj, pa tudi glasba sama, je preveč dobra, da bi bilo kaj takega lahko moteče. Komadi trajajo časovno tja od dve do sedem minut in se iz komada v komad dokaj razlikujejo...od čudovitega umirjenega igranja do kaotičnega uničenja. Razen uvoda v ''Burning Man'' je glasba bolj ali manj mid-tempo ali pa počasna. Besedila so globoka, zapisana fragmentalno in jih razumem kot metaforičen zapis življenjskih tem kot so ljubezen, sovraštvo, življenje, smrt, svoboda, zatiranje... vsekakor en sam kontrast, kar so hoteli prikazati tudi s svojim grotesknim ovitkom na katerem je naslikan bel konj, ki razpada in krvavi... Več kot dober album, ki ga priporočam vsem tistim, ki uživate v temačni, boleči in eksperimentalni glasbi ala Neurosis, Isis,... ''As passion encircles the daily storm, the heart bleeds and droughts do not, bone grave, bone ungraved, stone grave, stone ungraved, all circles created with intention, an ocean turns yellow, it soothes the eye.''

English Version:
Mastodon! For me pretty fresh band but I found somewhere they were around for the last four years and include some Today is the Day former members. Noticing the label mark on the backcover makes you think this could be some extreme grind madness which is Relapse Records known for, but let me worn you this one goes in other closet...there, where extreme hardcore and metal meets and where you find home of Neurosis, Coalesce, Burnt by the Sun, Today is the Day and similar Relapse Records artists names. ''Remission'' oppens with a song titled ''Crusher Destroyer'' and that's an exact mark I would assign to the music we found herein. A complex metal-rock'n'roll experimentation with heavy riffs and obscure feel. Band consist of four persons and everyone totally handle his instrument, while the most outstending is the guitarist with his twisted melodies and unpredictable dissonant chord progressions, he never runs out of and even more noticable, the drummer, who totally intricate every offering moment he get. Vocal is harsh showting and I can't say it's attractive but it works with the music and with time you get used on it...besides that, the music is just too good to be distracted by something like shouting manner! Tracks run from two to seven minutes and musically pretty much distinguish from one another...variate from etherial moments to chaotic destruction. If we for a moment forget about the fast blasting passages in ''Burning man'' I can say it's more or less midtempo or slow music. Lyrics are deep, written fragmentally and I understand them as a metaphorical notes for vital issues like love, hate, life, death, freedom, all means, there's plenty of contrast all over the place, which they wanted to indicate aslo with their grotesque frontcover art where lies a decayed white horse covered with his own blood. More than a good album, I recommend to all of you who enjoy in dark, painful and experimental music ala Neurosis, Isis... ''As passion encircles the daily storm, the heart bleeds and droughts do not, bone grave, bone ungraved, stone grave, stone ungraved, all circles created with intention, an ocean turns yellow, it soothes the eye.''