LLYNCH - ''The transformaton of madison'' MCD
Genere: dark/chaotic hardcore
: 9,2/10
Label: Scorched Earth Policy
Year: 2002
Length: 4 tracks - 19:25 min
Link: Llynch
Mp3: ''Vertigo''
Favourite Tracks: all

Mlad nemški bend za katerega sem takoj vedel, da mi bo pisan na kožo, saj pri imenu kot je Llynch in založbi kot je Scorched Earth Policy, preprosto nimaš kaj zgrešiti. Njihova glasba je po eni strani metalska, temačna, boleča in idealna podlaga samomorilcu, po drugi pa umirjena in čudovita, kot nalašc za sladki spanec. Fantje si vzamejo čas, ter počasi stopnjujejo čudovite predele s clean kitaro in ponekod rahlimi zvoki elektronike (nekje v ozadju) v izbruhe kaotične distorzije in strastnega kričanja. Skozi ves čas se močno oprijemajo počasnih ritmov in glasba sama niti ni komplicirana. Včasih spominjajo na mirnejše Isis predele, le da je tu vokal močno kričeč (z nekaj šepetanja), kar pa izpade še toliko boljše. Besedila so bolj osebne narave in se ukvarjajo z religijo (''Virgin cooler''), strtimi srci (''Vertigo''), kar pa se tiče vsebine preostalih dveh, pa se mi za enkrat še ni posvetilo. Ovitek je preprost z nekakšnim računalniško narejenim neredom skozi ves booklet in daje nek leden izgled….ni ravno nekaj hvale vrednega, ampak mislim, da se dobro ujema z njihovo glasbo. Llynch so zagotovo eden boljšh novih nemških hardcore bendov, ki znajo potegniti za sabo še cel kup navdušencev, kajti mosha smo že tako vsi naveličani!

English Version:
First time I heard about this band I already new I will like it since they have such a great band name, not to mention their label. You just can't go wrong by picking up any of latter Scorched Earth Policy records! On one hand they sound metallic, somber and painful not unlike perfect background for a suicide, but on the other hand they do it very calm and wonderful, just proper for a sweet slumber. Usually they take time and slowely enhance nice clean guitar parts and sometimes some electronic insertions (far in the background) into outbursts of chaotic distortion and passionate screaming. Slow dragging tempos are constant and music itself is not that comlex. Sometimes they remind me on these calmer moments of Isis, but the vocalist herein uses high-pitched scraming (with some whispering) instead of some harsh-shouting and believe me, it comes out even better! Lyrics are more of personal nature dealing with religion (''Virgin cooler''), broken hearts (''Vertigo''),...as it concern content in other two songs I still haven't found out. Layout is plain with some computerized mess through all the booklet where blue and white colours give some sort of icy appearance...nothing really exciting, but I think it match pretty good with the music. Llynch are definitely one of the better new german hardcore bands which might get lots of attention since we are already so tired of mosh-metal bands these days.