of Time sem imel vedno v očeh kot nek hud nasilen bend z močnimi
slayer vplivi in neusmiljenimi kriki...kot nalašč za občinstvo,
ki obožuje prelivanje krvi pod odrom. Na srečo se je moj pogled
na bend že po prvih sekundah poslušanja spremenil! Tipi igrajo ubistvu
moderen metalcore z močnimi Alice in Chains vplivi in niso še eden
tipičen bend na I Scream Records, pač pa bi jih glasbeno prej postavil
med bende, ki se zadržujejo na Tooth & Nail ali SolidState Records.
Metaliziranost glasbe ima sicer evropski okus a ko pride do nežnejših
Alice in Chains predelov (in teh je dosti) nisem več tako prepričan
v to. Komadi so počasni in tipi si pri razvoju le teh navadno vzamejo
čas, imajo pa tudi hitrejše trenutke, kateri so sicer bolj redki
vendar v od 4 do 5 minutnih komadih dobro poskrbijo za raznolikost.
Vokal je distorzirano kričeč ali pa lepo petje, kar se oboje dobro
uklaplja s temačno godbo, ki jo Length of Time ustvarjajo. Vsekakor
ne pričakujte kakih Arkangel ali Deviate vplivov, glede na to da
bend sestavljajo nekateri člani iz teh zasedb. To je nažalost tudi
vse kar lahko razberem iz zgoščenke, ki mi je bila poslana brez
ovitka in tekstov. Me prav zanima kaki so teksti ozirajoč se na
nasov plate?
In my eyes I always had Length of Time as some heavy violent bend
with evil slayer riffing and merciless brutal screams...perfect
for bloodthirsty dancers under the stage. Fortunately they changed
my mind soon after the disc insertion. They actually play modern
sounding metalcore with strong Alice in Chains influences which
makes them not another typical band out on I Scream Records but
rather a band I could musicaly put in the same line with Tooth &
Nail or SolidState Records artists. Of course their metal side has
european flavour but I'm not so sure when it comes to delicate Alice
in Chains type parts which pop up quite frequently. Songs are slow
and they usualy take a time and not hasten, though they can surprise
also with some faster not that frequent but still imprtant moments
making these 4 to 5 min long pieces more diverse and interesting.
Vocal is screaming and a bit distorted or beautifully sung and goes
perfect with the somber music they create. However, don't expect
any Arkangel or Deviate influences if someboday tells you they possess
members of mentioned two bands. It's something totally diferent
and much, much better! Unfortunatey that's all I can say since I
got this disc bare, without any lyrics, package, etc. I'm really
curious about the lyrics content considering the album title ''Antiworld''?