prihajajo iz Švedske in veljajo za enega boljših evropskih emocore
bendov. Že s svojim prvim mini albumom ''Moad shifting tones'',
ki je izšel enkrat leta 99', so si pridobili veliko oboževalcev,
saj ima zgoščenka par hitov, ampak so tudi komadi, ki niso ravno
po mojem okusu. Za tem je prišel album ''The tigra songs'', ki je
bil dosti boljši, vendar malo preveč enoličen in sedaj imam pred
sabo ''Surrounded by seasons'', za katerega nimam nobene pripombe,
razen mogoče ovitek, ki bi lahko bil malo manj pustoben, ampak kaj
hočemo, takšen pač mora biti izgled prave ''emo'' plate. Leaiah
delajo glasbo na tem albumu še vedno po starem receptu, z razliko,
da je tokrat okus boljši, slajši...gre za mešanico počasnih in drvečih
ritmov, ter umirjenih kosov, ki jim sledijo izbruhi energije, ter
lepih melodij. Vokal je lep in prepeva o ljubezenskih tematikah.
Kljub temu, da so imeli manjše spremembe v zasedbi ni zaznati kakšnih
posebnih sprememb v glasbi. Še vedno ostajajo Leiah in prav je tako!
''...there is always and there is ever, but wings are only tonight...''
Leiah are coming from Sweden and they are known as one of better
european emocore bands. Their debut mini album titled ''Moad shifting
tones'', which came out aroud 99', was a big success and they got
lots of fans in no time. I didn't liked that release, though. After
that came out ''The tigra songs'' full length, which was much better,
but still a little too monotonous. And now I'm holding their last
release ''Surrounded by seasons'' for which I have no complains,
except maybe the lay-out which could be a little less desolated,
but what can we do if this is the way how the real ''emo'' lay-out
should looks like. Leiah are still using the same recipe, but with
exception of better and sweeter taste...it's a mixture of slow and
driving rhythms and calm parts which leads to energetic outbursts
and beautiful melodies. Vocal is throughout beautiful and sings
about love themes. Although there were some line changes in the
band it's hard to perceive any music alterations. They are still
Leiah and that's good! ''...there is always and there is ever, but
wings are only tonight...''