bo prvi izdelek avstrijske založbe Burning Season Records, za katerega
lahko rečem, da mi je resnično všeč. Instil me v preteklosti niso
prepričali, tokrat pa napadejo z dvema kitaristoma in naredijo korak
globje v metalske vode, kar bo vsekakor pripomoglo k boljšim kritikam.
Metalsko piljenje kitar in dvojno pedaliranje v rušilem ''The carving
captures'', bi lahko primerjal s Cataract, Heaven Shall Burn in
podobnimi, medtem ko sta preostali dve skladbi bolj v stilu rojakov
Darwin, čeprav tudi nemških metalcore vplivov z obilno dozo melodij
ne gre za izključiti. Vokal je peklenski, glasba pa kompleksna in
strukturno zanimiva. Instil so s temi tremi komadi, ki mimogrede
govorijo o ignoranci in nesvobodi čoveštva, močnejši od kdarkoli
prej in verjamem, da bodo šli od tu le še navzgor. Kyds vs. Columbus
v nadaljevanju so še bolj cool. So šest članska zasedba iz amerike,
ki premore kar tri kitariste in preigrava težje definirano zvrst
metalno emocionalne zmešnjave. Komadi se vlečejo tja od 5 do 7 min
in so do konca natlačeni z melodijami in večbarvnim krčanjem/ petjem
po vsem prostoru. Dolgi kot so, gredo skozi celo morje sprememb
perfektnih prijemov in čarobnih trenutkov, vse to brez da bi pri
tem zgubili tla pod nogami. Malce spominjajo na metalcore pionirje
iz preteklosti, kot so Barrit, Krakatoa in starejše Cave In in včasih
se mi zazdi, da so Kyds vs. Columbus še edini metalcore bend, ki
resnično izliva svojo glasbo iz srca. Krasna zadeva z dokaj nenavadnimi
besedili ob katerih uživam, pa čeprav ne znam izpostaviti same vsebine.
Fantje naj bi kmalu izdali svoj prvi full-length in močno držim
pesti, da bodo nadaljevali v istem stilu. Ovitek je ok. Lepe barve
in fin papir, le besedila bi lahko bila malce bolje postavljena.
Kljub temu, fantastičen split, zlasti druga polovica! (10/03/04)
This will be the first Burning Season release I really, really
like. I haven't found Instil that interesting in the past but here
they strike with two guitars and everything goes two steps further
into the metal madness. With devastating ''The carving captures''
they destroy not unlike Cataract or Heaven Shall Burn, while the
rest two songs reminiscent of their fellow kinsmans Darwin, though
german metalcore with a huge dose of melody can't be excluded either.
Vocal is hellish, music complex and structurally interesting. With
these 3 songs (which by the way speak of ignorance and captivity
of human mind) they're stronger than ever and I'm sure it will only
go upwards from here on. Kyds vs. Columbs are even better! A group
of six guys from the states possess 3 guitars and play a bit harder-to-pin-down
style of emotional metalcore disorder. Songs extend from 5 to 7
min and they're all stuffed with melody and multicolour screaming/singing
all over the place. They go through a sea of changes, perfect metal
riffing, magical moments and a dozen more minor things without losing
their heads on this path of confusion. At some points they remind
me on metalcore pioneers like Barrit, Krakatoa and old Cave In and
sometimes I think like they are the only metalcore band these days
that really pour their music straight from the heart. Excellent
stuff with unusual lyrics I enjoy but can't really expose their
contents. I heard they will soon records their first full-length
so I'm already all excited what's next. Layout is ok - nice colours
and slick paper, except for the lyrics that could be better arranged
but who cares anyway. This is great split, especially second part!