KURT - ''La guard'' CD
Genere: noisy emo-rock
: 6,5/10
Label: Nova Recordings / X-Mist Records
Year: 2002
Length: 8 tracks -21:40 min
Link: /
Mp3: ''Trick on dancing''
Favourite Tracks: ''Get tested''

Pred leti (kakih 4 leta nazaj) sem imel split 7'' s Kurt in Blendwerk in če me spomin ne vara, mislim da Kurt glasbeno niso prišli do kake večje preobrazbe; seveda če izpustim ostrino, noisy elemente in energičnost, ki so si jo pridobili z leti! Stil, ki ga prigravajo je nekakšen noisy emo-rock z dobro sekcijo ritmičnosti, divjo strukturo komadov ter vokalom, ki je nekje med govorjenjem in vpitjem. Včasih se stvar zateče ter dobi še malo melodije in v takih trenutkih Kurt preprosto žarijo. Komadi grejo hitro k bistvu in imajo tako povprečno dolžino 2, 3 minute, skupno 21 minut kar je malce kratko za full-length, pa čeprav je tu gor 8 skladbic. Tekstov ni, ovitek pa nosi ognjene barve s podobo jelena in vojnih letal v nebu na prednji strani ter črnino s človeško lobanjo na zadnji. Precej nenavaden ovitek! Kurt mi glasbeno nekako še ne zležejo pod kožo, s tem pa ne mislim nič slabega o plati. Pač ni moj stil in tako izpade le soliden izdelek.

English Version:
Years ago I used to have a split 7'' with Kurt and Blendwerk and if my memory doesn't cheat me, I think musically Kurt didn't change much; of course if I put aside sharpness, noisy elements and energy they acquired with years. The style they play is sort of noisy emo-rock with a good section of rhythms, wild song structures and the vocal that lies somewhere in between shouting and talking. Sometimes things get faster with some melody thrown in and this are the momens when Kurt simply shine! Songs get quickly to the point and therefore least only around 2, 3 minutes, all together 21 minutes which is a bit shot to call this a full-length, thought they have 8 songs. They included no lyrics and the layout is all in fiery colours with an image of a deer and some war-planes in the sky on the front cover and blackness with a skull on the back cover. Pretty unusual layout! Well, musically they haven't get me yet, but that doesn't mean ''La Guard'' is a bad record or something. It's just not my favourite music style and therefore it can only get sold mark.