KNUT - ''Challenger'' CD
Genere: chaos metal
: 9/10
Label: Hydra Head Europe
Year: 2002
Length: 9 tracks - 51:39 min
Link: Knut
Mp3: ''Bite the bullet''
Favourite Tracks: ''El nino'', ''Bite the bullet'', ''58.788'',...

Aahhh! Knut, doma iz Švice, je prvi evropski bend, ki mu je uspelo priplezati na tole edinstveno ameriško založbo Hydra Head in eden redkih evripskih hardcore bendov, ki se lahko kosa z ostalimi artisti doma na tej časti vredni založbi. Zakaj temu tako ni nobena skrivnost, le nabaviti si morate tale album ali pa jih it gledat v živo, če se pojavi priložnost. Knut so po mojem mnenju najbolj uničujoče zveneč evropski hardcore bend, čeprav nima ravno kake hude konkurence, ampak vseeno. Doma, mi kolekcijo že nekaj časa krasi njihov prejšnji album ''Bastardiser'' in moram reči, da je pošast, ki so jo fantje v zadnjih zadnji 3 (mogoče manj?) letih dresirali dosti bolj divja. Ne me razumet narobe, ''Bastardiser'' je vse drugo razen slabega in povprečnega, ampak proti temu albumu nima nobene možnosti. Tokrat so komadi bolj agresivni in hitrejši, ter včasih celo izbruhnejo v krajše grind napade, večkrat pa v boleče počasne predele, ki se počasi napravljajo na ponoven izbruh. Ritmi se stalno spreminjajo in nasploh komadi so eno samo težko-prebavljivo nesoglasje z nesmiljenim distorziranim kričanjem, ter zelo polnim in uničujočim zvokom, ki človeku, ki ni v tej glasbi zlahka povzroči glavobol. Dolžina komadov niti ni tako dolga, kot bi pričakoval (od 2 do 5 min.) razen ogromnega ''March'', ki se zavleče tja do 20 minut. Struktura se od komada do komada lepo spreminja in pripomore, da album kljum svojim 50 minutam ne postane dolgočasen. Med vsem tem kaosom, za oddih postrežejo tudi z bolj umirjenim komadom ''58.788'', ki ga krasi akustična kitara in izpade naravnost čudovito. V dolgem komadu, ki sem ga prej omenil se pojavi predel s ponavlajočimi se udarci, ki se vlečejo do 4 minut in več, in so skorajda nezmogljivi. Če te v prejšnih komadih ne pokončajo te tukaj za sigurno! Cd pride v lepem Hydra Head style oblikovanem digipacku, ki daje navzven hladno-moder izgled, navznoter pa vroče-oranžno/rdeč. Glede besedil, naj povem da so nejasna, zapisana v fragmentalni obliki in če bi hoteli vedeti kaj več, bi morali to vprašati avtorja tekstov, kajti jaz lahko o tem samo ugibam. Super plata! ''Challenger'' mi je čisto nekaj posebnega in si resnicno želim komade, ki jih zajema, enkrat slišati tudi v živo!

English Version:
Aahhh! Knut from Swiss, the first eropean band that managed to get signed by this matchless american label Hydra Head and one of the rare european bands that can actually compete with the rest of the Hydra Head artists. Why's that so is no secret, just get this album or go see them playing live (if you have that opportunity) and you will get the picture. Definitely one of the most destructive eurupean hardcore band although they don't really have some serious competition overhere, but still. I have their previous release ''Bastardiser'' and I must say that the monster they have been training for the last three years (maybe less) is much more wilder and furious. Don't get me wrong here, ''Bastardiser'' was everything else than bad or average but against this one has no chance. Songs are more anggressive and faster, sometimes bursting out with some short grind assaults but more frequently they deliver slow and painful passages slowly growing into another outburst. In general songs are really hard to digest with all these dissonance, merciless distorted screaming, constant rhythms changes and very full and destructive sound that easily cause a headache to a person who's not into this music. Songs are shorter than one may expect, usually runs from 2 to 5 min except fot the giant ''March'' which drug out to excessive 20 min. Song diversity is very nicely noticed from song to song which keep things rolling full force for over 50 minutes and never gets boring. Amongst all this chaos it's a plesant relaxation to hear a song like ''58.788'', a real beauty adorned with acoustic guitar. In the lengthy song I mentioned above appears an almost unbearable passage with repeitedly ''hammer'' hits druging for over 4 min. Fucking crazy! If the previous 8 songs doesn't kill you this one rip your head off for sure. CD comes in a beautiful Hydra Head style digi-pack with cold-blue outer layout and worm-red/orange inner colour scheme. As for the lyrics, they're very indistinct, written fragmentally and if you want to know what they're about you will have to ask the one who wrote them. Great work! This's really something special to me and I would die to hear these song live someday!


Ubijalski chaos metal bend iz Švice, ki se ga splača it pogledat v živo! Italy 09/04/2003