temu, da Killswitch Engage s svojim prvim albumom niso bili ravno
po mojem okusu, sem vseeno gojil veliko zanimanje za tale album.
Sicer ne vem zakaj, ampak imel sem občutek, da me zadeva utegne
kratkočasiti čez poletne počitnice (2002). Še zdaj se spominjam,
kako sem album nažigal v tistih dolgih vročih popoldnevih in ga
celo vzel s sabo na morje. No, stvar že ne more biti slaba če sem
jo vzel s sabo na obalo, čeprav morate vedeti, da sem si jo nabavil
kak dan preden sem krenil na pot. Že v prvih sekundah, ko vstaviš
cd v player občutiš tisto drago kvaliteto zvoka, kmalu zatem pa
še zgradbo, ter sestavino komadov, ki sta se od prejšne plate močno
izboljšala, da ne govorim o spevnem vokalu, ki skupaj z nekaterim
kitarskim igrabjem, dela komade tako imenitne. Glasba, ki jo igrajo
je moderen ter malce skomercializiran metalcore v stilu Shadows
Fall, z razliko, da komadi niso tako komplicirani in ni toliko soliranja,
čeprav tudi o preprostosti ne morem govoriti. Fantje pač mešajo
metal s hardcorom, temu dodajo še poudarek na melodičnosti in mogoče
nekaj nu-metal vplivov, ter dobijo velik krog občinstva. Kljub temu
da se vilikokrat prepuščajo nežnejšim trenutkom, glasba ni ves čas
melodična in isto velja za vokal, s čemer pa nastopi ne tako dobra
plat tega benda saj znajo iti, grobo kričanje/kruljenje in strupeni
kriki, včasih malce na živce ampak ni panike. Situacijo kvarita
tudi dva komadi, ki sem jih slišal že na prejšnji plati in sta se
ne vem zakaj pojavila tudi tukaj. Ta dva komada samo še pripomoreta
k dolgočasju, ki se prične s sedmim komadom. Je pa zanimivo da so
starejši komadi včasih bolj metalski in kompleksni, ter izgleda,
da je bil bobnar s svojim dvojnim pedalom takrat na svojem vrhuncu.
Kot sem že prej omenil je kitarsko delo popolnoma fantastično in
sploh dvojne kitarske harmonije v komadu ''Just barely breathing''
ki predstavljajo vrhumec albuma. Za popizdit dobro! Komadi se med
seboj lepo razlikujejo in časovno trajajo od 3 do 5 minut, razen
''To the sons of man'' (najbolj agresiven in še najbolj nezanimiv
komad na plati) in ''Without a name'' (akustičen), ki ne dosežeta
dveh minut. V besedilih omenjajo razne svobodomiselne ideje, ki
bi bile potrebne za spreminajenje stvari na boljše in kljub temu,
da mi je sporočilo všeč nisem prepričan če čutim isto o tem kako
so zapisana...precej enostavno in ne začutim neke prave iskrenosti.
Layout je uredu, navzven abstrakna poslikava, navznoter pa vse črnobelo
z lepo berljivimi besedili, ter par bend-fotkami. Brez dvoma dosti
boljše od prejšne plate in me že zanima kaj sledi?
Althought Killswitch Engage's first album (self titled) wasn't really
that exciting I was still cherishing high interest for this one.
I can't say why but I had a feeling ''Alive or just breathing''
could entertain me over the summer holodays (2002). I still remember
rolling the disk in these long warm afternoons and than taking it
with me at the sea side together with my favourite records. Well,
album can't be bad if I took it at the beach, though you have to
know I had bought it only a day before departed. In the first few
seconds after you insert cd into the player you perceive this expensive
sound quality and shortly after that structures and compositions
that songs possess which are notable improvements since afore mentioned
album, not to mention beautiful singing and some guitar work making
this album so good. The music they play is a moderan and just a
bit commercialised metalcore like Shadows Fall and alikes with less
solos and not so complex playing, though I can't talk about simplicity
neither. They blend metal and hardcore with a big emphasis on melodiousness
and maybe a slight nu-metal influences, what's enough to gain a
huge number of audience. Althought they often stray into calmer
areas they thrown in also plenty of heaviness and not so melodic
parts. The same goes for the vocals which range from beautiful singing
to harsh screaming/growling or shouting and sometimes even venomous
screams. Sometimes rough screaming manner can be pretty disturbing
but it's not such a big deal. I find more disturbing these two tracks
I already heard on their prior output and I really don't know why
they have put them herein as well. These two songs only adds to
the lack of attraction that appears with seventh song, but it's
definitiely interesting to see complextity and heavier metal influences
these two songs possess...just take a look at how their drummer
handled his double-pedal back than...amazing! Like I mentioned before
the guitar work is fucking great especially the dual harmonies in
''Just barely breathing'' which I see as a highlight of this album.
I'm totally crazy about this part! There's a good deal of diversity
from one song to another and they run from three to five min except
for the ''To the sons of man'' (most aggressive and most unattractive
song herein) and accoustic ''Without a name'' both taking less than
two minutes. In the lyrics they mention various ideas needed for
changing things on better and I like what they say but I'm not sure
if I like how they're written...pretty simple and I don't feel some
true sincerity reading through them. Layout is good, outside has
abstract painting while inner side's all in dark-gray'n'white colours
with nicely legible lyrics and a few band photos. No doubt, much
better record than their prior effort...I'm already interested what's
up next!