I, ROBOT - ''Et cetera'' CD
Genere: scream-emocore
: 7,7/10
Label: Plenge Records
Year: 2002
Length: 15 komadov - 53:56 min
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Približno dve leti nazaj sem dobil v distribucijo I, Robot/ The Cable Car Theory split 7'' nad katerim sem bil močno fasciniran. I, Robot stran mi je bila tako vseč, da sem jo poslušal kar naprej in naprej. Spominjam se, da sem še dosti časa po tistem gledal, če bi slučajno kje opazil še kakšno drugo izdajo ali pa kak nov labum tega ubijalskega benda, vendar nič. Vse skupaj je izgledalo, kot da je bend že razpadel in res je bilo tako, vendar pa je pred kratkim izšla njihova celotne diskografija, kot nalašč za tiste, ki so hoteli kaj več kot le split 7''. Zgoščenka prične s komadima ''The answer'' in ''Call me ''killer'''', ki jih poznam že iz prej omenjenega split 7'' in sta mi še vedno pri srcu. Gre za dva nabrušena komada polna energije, kjer se izmenjavajo super bobenski ritmi, čudovite kitarske melodije in odlične bass linije. Vokal zveni kot ostro kričanje naravnost iz srca, ki se kar naenkrat spremeni v čudovito petje ampak le za trenutek. Tretji komad ''James Earl Jones'' ni bil nikoli izdan vedar je bil verjetno posnet takrat kot prva dva komada saj je narejen v istem stilu, pa tudi kakovost zvoka je nespremenjena. Nasledni štirje komadi so iz njihovega ''self titled'' 7'' in je hitro opaziti, da so komadi že malo starejši in ne tako dodelani kot prej omenjeni, a kljub temu zanimivi. Zvok je tu precej bolj kaotičen in melanholičen, vendar se pojavi tudi kak melodičen del. Naslednji trije so nikoli izdani demo komadi, ki nikakor ne zvenijo amatersko, je pa res da so še najbolj melodični in ni toliko kričanja kot je za bend značilno. In še zadnjih pet komadov, ki jih še ostane na zgošcenki je posneto v živo in moram pohvaliti, da je zvok boljši kot sem ga bil navajen pri posnetkih v živo. Od teh petih komadov je eden že zaigran kot prvi komad na zgoščenki, eden je priredba od Shotmaker, eden inštrumentalen, dva pa v stilu uvodnih treh komadov zgošcenke. Besedila v komadih so bolj ali manji vsa oseba, včasih malo pesimistična, vendar pa iskrena in v večini gre za nekakšen obračun s preteklostjo. Me prav veseli, da je izšel tale dokazni dokumet, ki spremlja glasbeno pot I, Robot skozi svoj obstoj! CD pride v zanimivem, pravljicnem ovitku.

English Version:
About two years ago I got a few copies of I, Robot/ The Cable Car Theory split 7'' to distribute overhere and I can still remember how fascinated I was after hearing it. Especially I, Robot side...I liked it so much I couldn't resist to listening it again and again. I remember looking around, searching for some new release or some other stuff of this killer band for quite some time, but there was nothing. I tought they broke up and now I know I was true but lately their discography CD came out and all my memorys of ''good old days'' are back alive. CD opnes with ''The answer'' and ''Call me ''killer'''' I already know from before mentioned split 7'' and they are still close to my heart. Two songs full of energy and passionate sharp screaming, where excellent druming, beautiful guitar melodies and great bass lines meets. Vocal is most of the time highly screaming but it has also moments of beautiful singing. Their third song ''James Earl Jones'' was never released but it was probably recorded at the same time like the first two songs since they used the same style and the production is unchanged. Next four songs were originally from their ''same title'' 7'' and it's easy to notice these are a little bit older tracks and not so perfect as before mentioned songs, but still interesting enought. They have much more chaotic and melanholic sound as their newer songs have in spite of a few melodic parts which appears from time to time. Next three are from their demo and they don't sound amateurish at all, but it's true they are the most melodic songs here and the vocal is not so screaming like it's in the other songs. The last five songs are recorded live and I must say I'm surprised by the sound quality which sounds better than most of the live recordings I heard in years. One of these five is live version of ''The answer'', one is a Shotmaker cover song, one istrumental and remaining two are played in the same style as first three songs of this record. Lyrics are more or less all personal, sometimes a little pessimistic, but written sincere and in most cases they're dealing with the past. I'm really glad this document of I, Robot existence came out! Cd comes in a nice looking, fairy lay-out!