HIMSA - ''Courting tragedy and disaster'' CD
Genere: metalcore
: 9,5/10
Label: Join the Team Player
Year: 2003
Length: 11 tracks - 43:31 min
Link: Himsa
Mp3: ''Rain to the sound of panic''
Favourite Tracks: ''Dominion''

O tej plati sem bral same dobre stvari, tako da sem se vsak dan znova močno veselil trenutka, ko mi bo poštar podal v roke paket z Join The Team Player oznako. In zgodilo se je...tik preden se odpravim na dopust pride paket! Takoj se zagledam v fantastičen ovitek in že slišim ubijalske heavy-metal tone, ki mi govorijo, da je to tisto kar moram nesti s seboj na morje. Tipi vnašajo v svojo metalcore godbo elemente, ki so bolj domači v heavy-metalu, thrash-metalu ali celo power-metalu in to izpeljejo na moč melodično a brez da bi pri tem izgubili na agresivnosti ali energičnosti. V komadih vedno nekaj dogaja, kar pomeni, da fantje znajo komplicirati zadevo in neprestano stresajo iz rokava nore kitarske melodije/ solacije, da na koncu zvenijo kot skandinavski melodic deathmetal bendi. Ne vem, mene včasih spominjajo na mix med Darkest Hour in Shadows Fall, drugič na The Haunted, tretjič pa čisto nekaj svojega. Težko jih je primerjati samo z enim bendom, kajti komadi se razlikujejo tako v hitrosti kot tudi v strukturi, enkrat so melodični, drugič temačni in sekajo kot svinja, vokalist pa nikoli ne preneha z njegovim grobo-kričečim vpitja in prav je tako, kajti njegov vokal je meni totalno zmagovalski. Besedila so polna enih temačnih metafor in jih razumem kot nekakšna kritika človeštvu ali nekaj v tej smeri. Ovitek izgleda navzven fantastičen (objokan obraz v črno-modrih barvah) navznoter pa je precej bol srahljiv in prikazuje različne predele trupla in razne sežgane/spraskane fotografije z ženko in moškim. Precej psiho. Glasba, ki jo Himsa preigravajo sicer nima dosti veze z bendi iz koder tipi prihajajo (ex-Trual, ex-Catharsis, ex-Undertow), pa tudi lirično gredo v drugačno smer, ampak fantje vedo kaj je potrebo za ustvarit dober bend in to se pri Himsi lepo kaže. Vsekakor eden boljših metalcore izdelkov v zadnjem času in definitivno vredno poskusiti!

English Version:
I've been reading only good things about this record so I was really looking forward to the moment I will receive Joint the Team Player marked package. And it happen...just a day before I went on vacations! I immediately notice amazing lay-out and right after a killer heavy-metal tunes coming out of my loud-speakers telling me this is what I have to carry to the seaside with me. These guys have thrown into their metalcore music elements of heavy-metal, thrash-metal and even power-metal and everything did really melodic, without losing a bit of aggression, neither energy. Musicaly they're pretty skilled so you can expect plenty of things going on like constant spiting of good metal riffs and crazy guitar solos, so they sound not unlike scandinavian melodic deathmetal bands. I don't know, sometimes I would put theim in between Darkest Hour and Shadows Fall, next time they sounds similar to The Haunted but than again they have a sound of their own. It's kind of hard to compare them with just one band since their writing differs as much as in tempo speed as in song structures, sometimes they do it extreamly melodic, sometimes dark and heavy as hell. The vocalist never stop with his gruff shouting and I like it this way...with a voice like this he's a fucking winner! Lyrics are full of dark metaphors and I understand them as some kind of critic to humanity or something in this direction. Front cover looks awesome (weeping face in black'n'blue colours) while the inner side is much more thrilling, showing different parts of a corpse and some burnt/scratched photos of a couple. Very creepy! I can't say their music as well as lyrics have something to do whith their previous projects (Trial, Undertow, Catharsis) but they know what it needs to make a good band and they don't hide that with Himsa. By all means one of the best metalcore outcome lately! Definitely worth checking out!