HELL NO - ''Adios armageddon!'' CD
Genere: noisy-rock-hardcore
: 6,9/10
Label: X-Mist Records/ Reservior Records
Year: 1995
Length: 11 tracks - 44:37 min
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Favourite Tracks: ''Oates/saloon man'', ''Linderman''

Hell No je bend iz Amerike, ki igra precej neobičajen noise-rock-hardcore in v tem kar uspeva. Glasba je enkrat težko prebavljiva, kaotična in razglašena, vse se zatika, kitare pisakajo in cvilijo, da postaneš ker živčen, drugič pa se glasba zateče, dobi ritem ter melodije in prav to je tisto kar, kar te prisili, da svar poslušaš dalje. Včasih me njihova nagnjenost h kaosu in neprebavljivosti spominja na tiste nore rife iz Coalesce drugače pa malce spominjajo tudi na malo manj moderno različico tistega kar danes (8 let pozneje) ustvarjajo Harkonen. Precej nora in čudaška zadeva! Vokalist se dobro dere, skozi komade pa se tudi večkrat pojavlja iztopajoče govorjenje ali pa razni izrezki iz vesternov in znanstveno-fantastičnih filmov. Ovitek nosi porisavo neke vrste angelov in hudičev navzven, ter članov zasedbe navznoter, vse kot bi bilo narisano pod otroško roko. Besedil noiso priložili, pač pa so se raje napisali nekakšno biografijo ne preveč rožnate priteklosti za vsakega člana posebej. Ta je napisana na tragično-komičen način in zavzame 11 strani bookleta. Aja, CD verzija tega albuma vsebije še komade iz ''Superstar chop'' 7inča. Dvomim da so Hell No še vedno med nami, ampak tole je kar uredu izdelek!

English Version:
This american outfit plays quite uncommon music I would call noise-rock-hardcore and they pretty much succeed doing it well. At first it's heavy, hard to digest, cahotic and dissonant music with unfluid tempos, yelling vocalist and trebling guitars that get on your nerves and than suddenly everything become smooth and nicely driven, they let in some melody, rhythms and that sort of things that kind of suck you in and make you wont more. Their sense of chaos and unfluidness definitely reminiscent me on those crazy Coalesce riffing and sometimes I feel like I'm listening to some less modern version of Harkonen. Pretty carzy and oddish stuff! Through the songs you often come across outstanding talking voice as well as inserts from some western or science-fiction movies but I'm not that much into it. The layout has some sort of angels and devils on the outside and band members on the inside, everything like it was illustrated under child's hand. They didn't include any lyrics but rather wrote some kind of biography of not so fortunate pasts for each member of the band. It's writen with a tragicomic sense on 11 pages. By the way, CD version of this album also includes three songs from ''Superstar chop'' 7'' as a bonus. I doubt Hell No are still around but this's a fine stuff regarding it was done 8 years ago.