kot, da tale mali disk vsebuje starejši material, ki se je nabiral
tja od leta 1996 po raznih split ploščah in kompilacijah, poleg
tega pa vsebuje še tri neizdane komade in dva posneta v živo. Vsekakor
ne prava svar s katero bi moral pričeti spoznavat tole afriško grindcore
zasedbo, ampak ok. Zadeva ni slaba, muči me le to, da nisem raje
izbral njihovega velikega albuma, ki bi bil posnet v enem obdobju,
ampak kaj čem, prikupenemu izgledu te male stvarce se nisem uspel
upreti. Stavr pričnejo s tremi neizdanimi komadi, ki so bili posneti
v obdobju snemanja albuma ''Fink''. Ti imajo še najboljšo kvaliteto
zvoka in mi delujejo kot njihov najbolj zadnji material na tem dokumentu.
Zadeva je počasnejša kot sem bil pričakoval, zlasti ''Already dead''
kjer hitri grind deli dobijo priložnost le občasno, pri drugih dveh
pa je izmenjavanje približno 50-50. Nasplošno so ti truje komadi
zgrajeni preprosto, z izstopajočo bass kitaro in barvitim kričanjem
(naslanjajoč se na kruljenje), ter se kljub dolžini, ki ne presega
treh minut kar vlečejo, kar pa se v nadaljevanju na srečo zgubi.
Naslednji trije, od katerih sta dve priredbi (''Kill trend suicide''
od Brutal Truth in ''Soulcraft'' od Bad Brains) so dosti boljši
in silovitejši od prvih treh in so se originalno pojavili na split
7'' z Warspite. Obe priredbi zažigata! Ostane še en zabaven ampak
super komad, pobran iz splita z Woyczech, ter dva live komada za
katera bi raje videl ce jih CD ne bi vseboval. Nisem namreč nek
velik fan live posnetkov! Kot sem že prej omenil je izgled prednje
slike, ki nosi zeleno bogomolko, odličen, drugače pa vsebuje ovitek
še za vsakega člana posebej svojo fotko, podatke o komadih, ter
risbo še ene bogomolke. Besedil ni, ampak glede na naslove komadov
sklepam, da gre za za družbeno-kritično vsebino. Kaj naj rečem?
Komadi so mi povprečni in niso ravno dosegli mojih pričakovanj,
ampak še vedno mi nekja govori, naj preverim raje njigove velike
albume in mislim, da jih ob priliki tudi bom!
Seems like this little CD contain Groinchurn's previously released
material that has appeard on various split releases and compilations
since 1996 and besides that they added also three previously unreleased
and two live recorded songs. Certainly not the right thing to start
with, but ok. It's not bad, I just feel a little regret I haven't
rather picked up one of these African grinders full-lengths recorded
in the same period. Well, what can I do, this little thing looked
so attractive I just couldn't walked away empty-handed. First three
songs were recorded during the ''Fink'' recording session and they
have better sound quality than others. I guess they're the most
recent material herein. Things are slower than I expected, especially
the the opening song ''Already dead'' where grind momenet almost
don't get the opportunity while tempo changes relation in other
two songs are around 50-50. Song structures are simple, bass guitar
is in the foreground and they often use multicolour screaming that
lean towards growling. Although these first three songs length takes
less than three minutes they kind of drag on towards the end, but
luckly they abandon that in the songs ahead. Next three of which
they're two covers (Brutal Truth's ''Kill trend suicide'' and ''Soulcraft''
of Bad Brains) are much better and forcefull and they originally
appeared on a split 7'' with Warspite. Both covers kick ass! Here
remians one great and really amusing song taken from split 7'' with
Woyczech and two live songs I would rather see they weren't included
since I'm not that big fan of live recordings! Like I mentioned
before, the front cover with green praying mantis on it looks fantastic
and besides that they added also one photo for each member, songs
infos and an artwork of another mantis. There's no lyrics but looking
at their song titles I guess they're dealing with socio-critical
issues. What can I say? Songs are average and they didn't really
reached my expectations but something still tells me I have to check
out their full-legths and I guess I will.