na rokah, Chain of Strength majice, X Swatch ure, odrezane vojaške
hlače, old school Vansi, itd. itd. Naj dvigne roko tisti, ki ne
ve za kakšne vrste bend gre! Ja...old school hardcore. Itak! Kaj
drugega naj človek pričakuje od benda, ki vloži na prednjo stran
ovitka z X-om označeno roko? Fumbles in Life prihajajo iz Italije
in sploh ne delajo slabe muske... hitrost je taprava, rifi so dovolj
zanimivi in vokalist se dere kot oni iz ameriških bendov. Ja, fantje
vsekakor črpajo navdih od ameriških hardcore bendov ala In My Eyes,
Floorpunch in podobnih in prav zato tukaj ne boste našli nič, kar
niste že prej slišali...no, vsaj tisti, ki ste se kdaj poglobili
v old school hardcore. Ampak, važno je, da so fantje kljub zlizanosti
rifov dobri in poslušlivi! V besedilih sem pričakoval sporčila,
ki sem jih že moljonkrat dal skozi a sem kmalu spoznal, da ima bend
tudi nekaj svojega za povedat ter obenem začutil nekakšno izžarevanje
iskrenosti. To mi je vseč! Po pravici povedano sem že precej sit
ameriškega old schoola, ampak kot sem že prej povedal Fumbles in
Life niso slabi, le svojo glasbo bi lahko malce dlje razvili.
X marked hands, Chain of Strength t-shitrs, X Swatch watches, cut
off army pants, old school Vans shoes, etc., etc. Is there anyone
who still don't know what is this all about? Well, it's a fucking
old schoool hardcore. What else can you expect from a band that
has an X marked hand on the front cover? Fumbles in Life is a young
band from Italy and musically they're not bad...there's a good tempo
speed, riffing is interesting enough and the vocalist is shouting
like those in american hc bands. Yep, this guys are definitely influenced
by american old school hc bands like In My Eyes, Floorpunch and
alike and that's why you won't find here anything new...well, at
least those of you who spent some time doscovering old school hc
world. Well, the most inportant thing is that in spite of their
shabby riffing and all they can still do it good and listenable.
I expected the lyrics to be about the same things I've read about
a million times before but quickly find out they share also ideas
of their own and at the same time sense some kind of sincere radiation.
I like that! To tell you the truth I started to get really sick
of american old school hc but like I said before Fumbles in Life
are not that bad, they just should develope their music a bit further.