sem kako leto nazaj videl v Vrhniki in moram priznati, da sem skoraj
s težavo dočakal zadnji komad, kajti godba je bila precej težko
prebavljiva, boleča in totalno netekoča. Ko sem pred tednom dni
vstavil CD v player se mi je stvar zdela dosti boljša! Glasba je
prav tako težka in sploh čista disharmonija, ampak za Frasnel je
očitno potrebno večkratno poslušanje preden se bolje vživiš v glasbo.
Včasih deluje, kot da bi upočasnjeno, vse skupaj igrali nazaj in
čeprav jih ne vem s kom primerjati se mi zdijo rifi malce Breach-evski,
kar pomeni, da gre za bolj temačno sceno. Tipi obvladajo svoje inštrumente
in izpadejo kot druščina umetnikov, ki poskušajo ustvariti lepoto
iz nereda, medtem ko se vokalist hrapavo dere in v komadu ''Retina''
celo spregovori par besed. Vokal mi je zakon, tak 'hud'! CD nosi
samo štiri komade, ampak mislim da je za začetek kar dovolj, kajti
več hrupa bi bilo morda že malce težavno poslušat, čeprav imam občutek,
da so mi z vsakim poslušanjem bolj vseč. Ovotek je eden najlepših
kar sem jih videl v zadnjih mesecih! Fantastičen, malce tenjši digi-pack
z abstraktno poslikavo, ki ne daje nekega hardcore izgleda, pač
pa bolj jazzy ali kaj v tem stilu. V besedilih naletim tako na melaholijo
in utesnjenost kot tudi na lepše trenutke kot so poležavanje na
soncu ali pa besede, ki nagovarjajo k uživanju živlenja. Odličen
izdelek tako za bend kot za založbo, za katere oba je to prvi album
oz. mini album.
About a year ago I saw these guys playing in Vrhnika and I have
to admit I had a hard time awaiting their last song. Really! It
was so indigestible, painful and anti-fluid I just couldn't stand
it. Now when I'm listening to it again I like it much more. It's
still heavy as fuck and pure disharmony but I guess you need to
go through it few times before it really sucks you in. Sometimes
it seems like they play it slown-down backwardly and although I
can't find them a band to compare I think they use a bit Breach
type riffing on some occasions. They all handle well their instruments
and giving you the imperssion like they are a bunch of artists trying
to create something beautiful out of chaos. The vocalist is using
harsh screaming/shouting manner and in the song ''Retina'' even
speak few words. I really like his vocal, it's so hmm...heavy! CD
delivers only four tracks but I guess it's enough for the start
since more noise could cause pain in the head, although I just got
a feeling I like it more with every listening. The layout is one
of the most beatiful I saw in the last few months! Fantastic, a
little bit thinner digi-pack with great abstract painting that doesn't
have this typical hardcore appearance, but rather jazzy or something
in that direction. Beautiful! Through the lyrics you come across
melancholy and frustration as well as they share nicer topics like
lying beneath the sun or words about enjoying our lives. ''Scenario''
is a first release for both Noise Appeal and Frasnel. I think it's
a great start!