FONZIE - ''Built to rock'' CD
Genre: punkrock
Label: Godschild Music
Year: 2003
Length: 12 tracks - 32:26 min
Link: Fonzie Mp3: ''A thousand lies''
Favourite Track: ''Start''

Kaj lahko človek pričakuje od Portugalskega benda z imenom frajerja iz TV serije Happy Days? Pojma nimam, ampak po smešnih pozah članov na predji strani domnevam, da ne more biti nič drugega od punkrocka ali ska-ja. In res je tako. Gre za MTV-jevski punkrock, prav takšen kot ga preigravajo Blink 182, a kljub vsej tej nadpovprečni pocukranosti in patetičnosti teenage besedil, moram reči da mi glasbeno dokaj ugajajo. Jebi ga, stvar je neverjeno prijetna za uho in pri 12-ih komadih ne najdem niti ene pripombe, pač pa so mi eden za drugim coolski. Na zgoščenko je priložen še video kolaž za komada ''Built to rock'' in ''Rock my heart'' kjer dobimo predstavo kako fantje izgledajo na odru, v zakulisju, v studiju, itd. Punkrock za širše občinstvo bi rekel. Če vam je bila vseč Ameriška Pita, vam bodo zagotovo tudi Fonzie.

English Version:
What can you expect by a Portugese band called just like a dude from TV series Happy Days? I don't have a clue, but when you see their silly poses on the front cover you can't think of anything else but punkrock or skapunk. And it's true. It's MTV type punkrock, just like the one Blink 182 play, but in spite of above average sugarness and silly teenage lyrics I must say it's still a sweet music and I like it. What can I say, it's really pleasant stuff and I can't find any negative remark in all 12 songs but instead like one song after another. CD is enclosed also with videos for ''Built to rock'' and ''Rock my hear'' where we get an image how the guys looks on stage, behind the stage, in the studio, etc. I would say this's punkrock for wider masses. If you liked American Pie than i'm sure you will like Fonzie.