Five ali na dolgo Final Countdown Five so mlad bedn iz Japonske,
ki preigrava naspidiran in emocionalen hardcore. Zvenijo kot nekakšno
križanje old school z new school hardcorom, kjer uleti še močna
doza emocionalnosti, ter okusna punkrock melodičnost. Ko sem jih
prvič poslušal, me je skoraj odneslo od vse te privlačnosti in energije,
ki ju komadi izžarevajo. S kričanjem, ki se občasno približa petju,
privlačnimi melodijami po vsej sobi, in hitrim bobnanjem, ustvarijo
pravo čutno živahnost, ki te vedno znova spravi v dobro voljo, pa
naj bo zunaj še tako grdo vreme. Če bi jih že moral s kom primerjati,
bi bili to brez dvoma njihovi rojaki 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal.
Vsi komadi so bili pred časom že izdani, saj gre za re-release,
ki ga krasi novi ovitek in pa trije komadi iz demo časov kot bonus.
Med e.p. in demo komadi so postavili dolg, preveč dolg (+11 min)
noise vložek iz katerega se v zadnjih minutah celo izcini eden njihovih
demo komadov, ki pa niso tako prepričljivi kot prva polovica zgoščenke.
Ni tiste privlačnosti, in nekako so se še iskali med old school
in new school hardcorom. Vesel sem, da jim je pozneje na e.p.-ju
uspelo najti tisto pravo pot. Besedila so osebne narave a so polna
slovničnih napak in tudi v celoti ne kaj preveč zanimiva. Tu jim
še malce šepa, ampak glasbeno so zelo prepričljivi, zlasti z novejšimi
komadi. Če bi bili iz amerike bi bili v hipu popularni. (09/04/04)
FC Five or longer Final Countdown Five is a young band from
Japan playing fast and emotional brand of hardcore. They sound lika
a cross of old school and new school hardcore with strong emphasis
on emotional and punkrock melodiousness. When I heard them for the
first time I was totally blown away by all this catchiness and energy
these songs radiate. With screaming vocal that sometimes almost
turn into singing, catchy melodies all over the room and high speed
drumming they create a touching vividness that always put me in
a good mood no matter how bad the weather outside is. If I had to
compare them with someone it would definitely be their fellow kinsmans
1000 Travels of Jawaharlal. All the songs inhere have been released
before since we're dealing with re-release, but this time they have
a different lay-out and additional 3 songs from demo times. Between
e.p. and demo songs there's a long, way too long (+11 min) noise
track transfered in the last few minutes into one of their demo
songs. Those songs are not as convincing as the ones on e.p., though.
They defenitely lack some catchiness/ fullness and I have a feeling
like they were walking between old school and new school hardcore
not knowing exactly how to combine both perfectly. Now I'm glad
they found the right way with e.p. songs. Lyrics deal with personal
issues but their grammar is bad and therefore everything fall into
the water. Ok, so they have some work to do here but musicaly they're
very convincing, especialy with new material. If they were from
the states they would be popular in no time. (09/04/04)