FALL TIME - ''Coma'' CD
Genre: hardcore/metal
Label: Firewalk With Me
Year: 2003
Length: 7 tracks - 64:26 min
Link: Fall Time Mp3: ''Vitamine''
Favourite Track: ''Coma''

Uff, pisat recenzijo za tole plato pa ni noben mačji kašel! Zgoščenka namreč ponuja nad eno uro počasi se premikajoče in skorajda (včasih) boleče godbe, kjer se štirje komadi povspnejo nad deset minut, dva od teh skoraj 15 min. Ja, dokaj obilna pošast, katere se s težavo lotiš poslušat, a ko se igranje enkrat prične te v hipu posrka v svoje temačne globine. Komade gradijo na težkih izbruhih distorzije, ki kot vsemogočen val energije ruši vse pred sabo, na srečo pa je tu tudi protiutež jezi in takrat nastopijo eterični trenutki, ki človeka s svojo temačno lepoto popolnoma hipnotizirajo. Teh trenutkov je tu gor kar nekaj! Vokalist se poslužuje gorobega kričanja a se razkrije le pri težko metalnih izbuhih, kot dodatek že zadostni rušilnosti bobnarja in kitar, medtem ko se basist s svojimi zajetnimi linijami giba dokaj svobodno in prispeva glasbi še dodatni hipnotičen učinek. Kot da bi zmešal skupaj moč/temačnost Cult of Lune, lepoto Isis in čudačnost Neurosis, čeprav bi rekel da so Fall Time klasa zase, kar je s časom bolj in bolj očitno. Vse je odigrano premišljeno in brez časovne omejitve, s česar sklepam, da so morali kar pridno garat za tole zgoščenko. S komadom ''Dead and buried (No.1)'' poskušajo nekaj drugega in se močno približajo stilu, ki so ga patentirali Botch, v inštrumentcu ''Sonata'' pa se poslužujejo le akustičnih kitar. Besedila so osebne narave in se mi zdijo uredu, čeprav je malce preveč besed v stilu ''...the sky turned black and the woods turned red cause i've killed the angel who loved me...'' in tako naprej. Drugače pa zanimiva izkušnja s tole različico kome! Na njihovem mestu bi sicer odstranil par komadov kajti 62:26 min je več kot preveč, ampak itak so vsi odlični, tako da je verjetno že prav, da so zbrani na eni zgoščenki. Fani Isis, Neurosis, Cult of Luna in podobnih nosačev teme, vsekakor ne bi smeli prezreti te plate!

MAR/ FALL TIME. - split 7''

We find on this split two Austrian bands offering metallic hardcore. I met Mar already before and they are also the main reason why I picked up this 7''. Their previous 7'' was great. This two songs which we can find here are in the same vein. Maybe just a little more technical. Music is still driving, emotional, dark, with some totally metal parts from time to time. Also beautiful and awesome guitar melodies. I could say they have their own style. Their unique screaming vocal can be at the beginning a little disturbing, but when you got used to it, it fits just great. I think their lyrics speaking about individuality and about lose of the special person. I really like their style. Ups...I almost forgot about the Fall time on the other side. They play little bit heavy music like their fellows. Heavy and painful metallic hardcore which reminds me on...hmm....maybe Knut. I don't know. Let's say they have some Hydra Head influences. Their music is at any rate not as convicting as Mar but they are also not that bad. One pessimistic lyric and another tell as that we mustn't hide our emotions inside. Hmm...maybe I totally missed the point.
FIREWALK WITH ME, THOMAS REITMAYER, LORYSTR. 54/1/21, 1110 WIEN, AUSTRIA firewalkwithyummy@yahoo.com www.8ung.at/burnbabyburn www.8ung.at/falltime