FALLING CYCLE - ''The conflict'' CD
Genere: metalcore
: 7,8/10
Label: Guideline Records
Year: 2003
Length: 12 tracks - 32:12 min
Link: Falling Cycle
Mp3: ''Rose adore''
Favourite Tracks: ''For nothing''

Zgoščenka se odpre z introm, katerega sem že slišal na eni izmed Caliban plat (in verjetno še kje drugje) in kmalu zatem izbruhne udaren metalcore z opaznimi vplivi švedske melodic-deathmetal scene. Kakega švedskega benda, ki jim bi bil močno podoben sicer ne najdem, lahko pa povem, da so Falling Cycle nekakšna zmes Darket Hour, Unearth, End This Day in 18 Visions, le da so v svoje komade vnesli še malce več melodičnosti kot ravnokar omenjeni bendi. Vsekakor pričakujete lahko neprestano usipanje melodij, zares hude mosh brejke, dobro mešanje hitrega tempa s počasnim, kričeč skorajda kruleč vokal, itd. Ubistvu nič takega kar nebi že prej slišal, ampak komadi so dobro narejeni. Nekateri so presenetljivo melodični, drugi agresivni, eden je celo zaigran s klavirjem in govorjenjem vokalsita, tako da stvar v svojih 30 min ne postane enolična. Besedila so osebna in se v večji meri dotikajo danes aktualne teme za njihov still glasbe, kot so zlomljena srca in z njimi obžalovanje, itd. Spet nič takega kar nebi že prej slišal. Izgled ovitka mi je vseč, zlasti popačeno zatemljena slika narave na prednji strani in pa malce opackani teksti znotraj. O Falling Cycle razen tega, da prihajajo iz zda ne vem dosti, ampak če je ''The conflict'' njihov prvenec potem so vsekakor dobro začeli.

English Version:
CD opens with an intro I already heard on one of the Caliban records (and probably somewhere else) and right after they hit with striking metalcore obviously influenced by swedish melodic-deathmetal scene. Funny, I can't find a singel swedish band I could match them with, but I can say their music is some sort of mixture of Darkest Hour, Unearth, End This Day and 18 Visions, with an exception that they put in much more melodiousness than all afore mentioned bands. Anyway, expect constant strewing of nice melodies, really heavy mosh breaks, good exchange of fast and slower tempos, screaming almost growling vocalist and so on. Actually noting I haven't heard before but the songs are well done and that counts. Sometimes they are surprisingly melodic, next time really agressive and there's even a song done just with piano and spoken words so they have a sense of variety making these 30 min of a good listening. Lyrics are personal and most of them cover common topics of today's metalcore scene like broken hearts, regret, etc. Again noting new! Layout is pretty cool with distorted and dimmish landscape on the frontcover and stained lyrics inside. Well, I don't know much about Falling Cycle except they're from the states, but if ''The Coflict'' is their debut album than this's a great start!